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Chapter 11: Outdoor Confessions

Before the chapter starts, can I just put in that I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do for my next book. I'm thinking one of the following:
BakuDeku (BNHA)
Crossover (BNHA and MS)
I'll put one comment down for each, and just reply to the one you want. Don't post a separate comment please, it'll just confuse me. The one with the most votes I'll do.
Vote ends whenever I decide I'm writing my next story.

Now, on with the story!

Aphmau's POV
"Hey, she's waking up!"

I open my eyes, and blink a couple times to adjust my vision. Aaron, Taiya, and Kaiya are all leaning over me.

I try to sit up, because I'm laying down, but as soon as I start moving, a wave of nausea hits me.

"Careful!" Aaron exclaims, using his hands to steady me, "You're still dealing with a bad flu."

"Ugh... I can tell... how... how long was I out?" I ask.

"A few hours at the most. Aaron carried you all the way here. We're at a crossroads, so we decided to stop and rest." Taiya explains. "Are you sure swimming through that water was a good idea? Look, we know it was to help us get out, but we could've found another way-"

"No, it's fine. It's just a flu, I'll recover." I say weakly.

"You knew that dirty water can make merpeople sick, and the eater we swam through was absolutely filthy." Kaiya says, "you aren't going to be fit for travel for at least a few days, unless someone carries you."

"It was worth it..." I assure them. Aaron sighs.

"Just take it easy, I don't want you getting hurt." He says. I nod, and he sits next to me.

"So, which way do we go?" He asks.

Kaiya's ears and tail pop out. I blink a couple times, but remember that Taiya did it once, and shrug it off.

"This way," she points down the left with her tail, "smells and sounds funny. Like, rustling noises, and it smells... sweet, kind of. The other one smells the same as the rest of the tunnel."

"Rustling noises sounds like wind. Sweet smell... might be flowers, or grass." Aaron says.

"So the left path is too the surface?" Taiya asks, "Great! Let's go!"

I smile, and attempt to stand, but my legs are weak and the nausea hits again. Aaron picks me up, carrying me bridal style. I blush, but don't protest. I know that no matter how much I argue, I won't win against Aaron.

We start down the pathway, and surprisingly, before long, we're at the exit.

Lucinda's POV
That night I can't sleep. So I climb out of the girls tent, and sit by the empty fire.

I hear bushes rustling, and look over.

And the last people I expected to see, climbed through them.

Aphmau's POV
Taiya and Kaiya go absolutely nuts, seeing the outside.

Once we calm them down, we start walking to the camp. Aaron recognizes where we are, and leads us back.

As we enter the camp, I see Lucinda sitting by an unlit fire, staring at us.

Then she squeals.

"OH MY IRENE! YOU'RE OKAY!" She screams, jumping and running over. Aaron puts me down just in time to be crushed in a hug.

"Lucinda, I don't care how much trouble your having sleeping, don't. Scream." I hear Katelyn growl, climbing out of the girls tent.

"Lucinda~chan, you were loud enough to wake up Kawaii~chan!" Kawaii~chan follows.

"Who, the f***, is screaming, at 3, in the f***ing morning." Cathy growls.

"What's going on?..." Jenny mumbles tiredly, climbing out with the others. Betty follows, yawning.

"WHO THE F*** JUST SCREAMED?!" Zane yells, climbing out of the boys tent.

"Zane, watch your language!" Vylad follows him out.

"Huh? Whazz happening?..." Garroth yawns, following.

Everyone stops when they see us.

"APHMAU!" Literally everyone except Cathy runs over and crushes me in a hug.

As everyone calms down, and we explain that I'm sick, so don't overwhelm me, they start asking but Kaiya and Taiya.

"This is Taiya, and her twin sister Kaiya." I say, "We met them underground. They were stuck down there for a long time, and they're both ten."

"Oh you poor things!" Lucinds exclaimed.

"Your ten? And you've lived down there for how long?" Katelyn asked.

"Uh... since we were... 4?" Taiya says. Kaiys nods.

"Here! Have some cookies!" Kawaii~chan shoved a plate of cookies at them, confusing the two children. Jenny teared up for them with Betty and Garroth. Vylad went to comforting Garroth. Zane glanced at me, and then Aaron, and then back at me, and went to sit down.

"Hey Aph, can I talk to you?" Aarone whispers. I nod, and follow to where it's quieter.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Are... you okay with telling them?" He asks, squeezing my hand.

"Telling them what?" I question, tilting my head.

"About us..." he mumbles quietly.

"Oh..." I hesitate, "are you sure? I'm perfectly fine with it, just... what about you?"

"It just... feels wrong, to hide it from everyone." He says. I smile and nod.

"Okay, we'll tell them." I say. He smiles, and nods.

We walk back to the group, and I clear my throat.

Everyone looks at us. I gulp.

"Uh, everyone, Aaron and I have an announcement." I say.

"Are you dating?" Lucinda asks.

Aaron's jaw drops.

"How can you tell?!" I demand.

"Your holding hands, and blushing furiously." She replies. "I'm taking that as a yes."

Kawaii~chan squeals, and starts doing a happy dance. Katelyn shoves Lucinda and congratulates us, along with the others, except Cathy again. Jenny and Garroth go sit down alone afterward.

I knew Garroth had a crush on me, so I know he's upset. I decide to leave him alone for now. Jenny... maybe she liked Aaron. She looks upset. Cathy looks angry.

After all the excitement, everyone decides it's best to get some sleep.

So that's exactly what we do.

Cathy's POV
Aphmau... and... Aaron... my Aaron... dating???

That's ridiculous, just absolutely ridiculous!

I won't allow it.... no...


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