Chapter 2

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Aisha’s POV

A gentle shake on my shoulders brought me out of my slumber and I rubbed my eyes as I took in my surroundings. Amara was grinning like a Cheshire cat and I remembered that we were still on the plane. “Aishaah! Get your lazy ass up, we’re landing any minute now!” She dragged the A at the end of my name, the enthusiasm in her voice unmistakable.

I couldn’t help the smile on my face as I took a peak out of the window. Amara started rambling on about something, but I couldn’t really hear what she was saying. It was all just overwhelming; it felt unreal! We’ve been begging our parents to take us to London for years, and now all of a sudden, we’re here, and I didn’t even muster a plead at all!

Amara shut up after a while, and plopped her earphones back into her ears, as she drummed her fingers to the beat. When she noticed me looking at her, she pulled out one and offered me to hear what she was listening to.

I eagerly placed one in my ear, and I smiled as the words filled my head. I looked at her, almost asking her about the song, and her eyes lit up with excitement. That was one of the things that I loved about her. Although we were different and she liked being by herself, when it came to music we were like one. We had the same taste, and when one of us found a song we liked, we would share it with the other and listen to it until we became sick of it.

Music and Art was one of the few things that we could talk to each other about. We used to be very close when we were growing up, but when mum and dad started fighting and she had problems coping with school, she became distant. I loved to see her happy, because her happiness was the contagious type that made everyone around her happy too.

“The song is called ‘What makes you beautiful’ by a boy band… umm, One direction.” She smiled at the mention of their name, and continued her explanation, “I was looking up some songs by British singers so we could accustom ourselves to their music.”

One direction? Why does the name sound so familiar? She read the thoughtful expression on my face and giggled. “They’re this really hot boy band that everyone is talking about. I’ve mentioned them to you before, but I’ve never had the chance to download any of their music.”

“Oh yeah! My friends were talking about them too the other day I think. No wonder the name sounded familiar,” I smiled as the memory of my friends drooling over a picture of them on their cell phones came to mind. I wanted to have a look, but they were all crowding around the one girl’s phone, that I couldn’t see anything.

She took her earphone back and asked for my cell phone so that she could send me their album. I gave it to her and watched in amazement as she grinned and started sending the songs to me. I nudged her with my elbow and smirked at her as I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.

“Ooh Amara has the hots for a British boy band,” I teased as a blush made its way to her face. She avoided my gaze and rolled her eyes as she denied my statement. “I do not, Aisha.”

“Well, I have good news for you,” I winked before continuing, “The plane is about to land and we’ll be officially on British ground, so you are closer to them than you think.” I managed to say it just before the pilot announced our descent. In all of the excitement, we forgot what we were talking about and prepared ourselves for the arrival. I blocked my ears to prevent them from popping, and Amara handed me a mint before mimicking my action.

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