Chapter Twenty-two

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*Unknown POV*

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*Unknown POV*

I scowled at my reflection. Baby smooth skin. I spat yellowish blue saliva over my image and folded my arms tightly over the loosely hanging black garment, a symbolic cloth of our sacred coven, Dark Witchling.

I had tried to infect my face with the verruca that grew on my mother's foot. A few days ago, I had rubbed it with poison ivy. No matter what I did to my face, it remained the same. I looked like a sixteen year old goody-two-shoes! Even my eyes were a bright hazel instead of the yellow-amber my mother had. How could I ever rise to power in the coven looking like a common villager? I sighed in frustration and turned around, auburn hair whipping my face.

My heart sped up when I saw the person standing before me. Skin as gnarled as the bark on the woodland trees, Sempia Sarravès was a sight to behold. Her hair was as white as the snow, flowing over her hunched shoulders. She was squinting her eyes so close that it was impossible to see her natural red eyes.

"Do you need anything ma'am?" I said, bowing respectfully.

"What were you doing?"

I gulped as her hard voice sent shivers through my body. Clutching my fists, I looked at her feet silently.

"I don't have time for this," she sighed frustratingly, "Witchling Queen wants to see you."

My head jolted to her, mouth hanging open in shock. I had never seen the Witchling Queen. I knew about her; I admired my queen but I hadn't got the privilege to meet her yet. What could she want from me? I bit my lower lip as fear filled my veins.

"Follow me, youngling," commanded the head-witch, turning her hunched form towards the brown door.

I followed the witch, walking briskly through the cold corridor of the stone castle. If this fort of stone, built on blood and bones, could talk, I'm sure we all would beg for deafness. The walls had so much to say but no ears were willing to listen. No soul willing to feel the torment burried deep within these cold bloodied walls. I was no different. All I wanted was to gain power over these majestic walls; I could care less about other's pain.

The cold damp air wrapped around me as I descended the spiral staircase to the dungeons. In the absence of flaming torches, the dimness gave the impression of twilight despite the heat and the brilliance of the late afternoon outside. The narrow passageway lead me to a room with a throne, placed right in the middle. A woman was proudly occupying the sublime seat.

My eyes widened as pure admiration filled my heart for the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her eyes, like the indigo ocean, were pools of iridescent blue, sculpted upon her creamy porcelain face like dazzling jewels. Strands of obsedian black tumbled out of her scalp, cascading down her back like a waterfall. Cherry lips, crystal white teeth: she truly was the most beautiful woman.

"Any news?" asked the Dark Queen.

"Yes, your highness, they caught the dog," the head-witch replied, bowing.

The Queen leaned back in her chair and laughed uproariously. Her face changed into a vision of relaxed joy and unrestrained mirth. Her laughter was without humour as it reverberated around the room, sending shivers down my spine. I gulped as harsh giggles continued to pour out of her; a laugh which contained the promises of pain and torment. Taking a deep breath to calm my trembling form, I looked at the head-witch standing beside me; her trembling hands showed her fear. I quickly turned to look at the Queen, again.

"They must be so happy with their achievement," Queen said, wiping a lone tear.

"Anything else?"

Sempia nodded quickly. "They have opened the book of shadows, my Queen," she said.

"Baby Eva is growing, isn't she?" Queen asked, laughing lightly. "I'll thank her for helping us by getting rid of that dog. I'm planning to meet her soon. Very soon," she added, a snister smile appearing on her face.


I clutched my fists tightly when I heard the Queen. Snapping my head in her direction, I gulped at the sight of her blue eyes boring into my hazel ones.

"Yes, my Queen," I said, bowing deeply.

"I have a job for you," she said, "I have seen that you want more powers, a higher rank in this coven."

I nodded, too nervous to utter a word.
An angelic smile spread on her face as she beckoned me closer to her.

"They are foolish to think that book of shadows will grant them all the answers. They are foolish but we will not underestimate them. Understand?" She said, her voice hard and clear.

I nodded furiously.

"Good girl!" Queen exclaimed, drumming her fingernails against the throne.

"Always remember that Selene and Evanora together are extremely powerful. If you have to fight them, always separate them. But don't be scared, my greedy little youngling," she said, taking an auburn strand in her hand.

"I am not sending you to fight them."

I sighed in relief. I wasn't powerful enough to fight both of them. The Queen grinned at me. Stopping the music of her nails, she leaned closer to me, her lips almost touching mine.

"I'll send you to kill someone stronger than them, my child," she hissed.

"Kill her and the head-witch position will be yours," she whispered. My eyes widened at her proposal.

"Head-witch?" I asked, not believing her words.

"Yes, my child, kill her and it shall be yours." Queen said, caressing my cheeks.

Greed filled me, blinded me completely. She would die, whoever she was, I was going to kill her. No-one would come between me and my powers.

"Who is she?" I asked, excitement running through my veins.

The Queen smiled, her blue eyes twinkling with mirth. "Are you sure?" she asked, leaning back into her seat.

"Yes," I said, without an ounce of hesitation in my voice.

"Althea, you have to kill Althea," she ordered.

I bowed deeply, promising to return with the blood of the ancient witch.

I bowed deeply, promising to return with the blood of the ancient witch

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