2-Thank You-2

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The king sat down on his blue,  black,  and white bed,  causing the unusually large bed to creak. The king was slouched over,  looking down at the floor,  staring at the carpet that had multiple scratches in it. He sighed and sat up straight, when he suddenly heard a gentle knock on his door.

"Sire,  thou did not cometh downe to eateth dinner,  so thy broughteth it up fore thou." Rouxls said nervously, considering he didn't know what mood the king was in. Last time he came up to give the king his dinner,  the king had thrown a chair at him and yelled at him to leave. Rouxls didn't really like the memory.

I wonder why.

The king tensed up, his teeth grinding slightly. The king then sighed and slouched slightly. He really,  really didn't want Rouxls to come in,  but he was hungry,  and he felt rather sick. Almost to sick to go out of the room just to get his food. He groaned and shrugged.

"Alright,  Kaard. Come in. " the king mumbled. Luckily,  Rouxls was able to hear. He knew how mad the king got when he had to repeat himself,  so Rouxls had taught himself how to listen and concentrate better just because of that. Rouxls straightened his posture and grabbed the door handle,  twisted it,  and opened the door. He walked inside of the large room,  only to be greeted by the king,  who was sitting on his bed.

My God,  thou lookeths terrible Is what Rouxls would have said,  but he decided to hold his tounge,  just in case the king wasn't in the mood. But,  Rouxls wouldn't have had been lying,  though. The king had multiple tears running down his cheeks,  and his body would occasionally tremble. Ah,  he's sick.

Rouxls walked up to the king's bed and set the dinner tray next to him. The king looked at the tray. Well,  it wasn't the best type of food,  but the king was in no mood to tell Rouxls that. He looked back up at Rouxls,  and prepared to say something he hadn't said in a long,  long time.

"Thank you.... " The king quietly mumbled.  He then turned to the tray and grabbed it,  being careful to not make the plate and cup fall. He set it on his lap and started eating.

"Haha- wait,  what sire? "  Rouxls quickly asked. The most he could expect was a quick,  little "good,  get out of here. " from his boss,  but he certainly didn't expect a "thank you". The king looked up at Rouxls,  hesitated,  then chuckled.

"Thank.  You.  Rouxls.  Kaard. " The king made small pauses between words,  emphasizing that he did indeed,  just say the TY words. Rouxls jerked up and quickly nodded.

"O-oh!  Thanketh thou,  sire!  No problem,  err.... Thou looketh errm.... Sicke. Dost thou wanteth any medication? " Rouxls asked,  relaxing his shoulders. The king hesitated,  then nodded.

"Yes,  that'd be lovely,  Rouxls. "

And with that,  Rouxls was gone in a flash,  getting medicine for the king.

"Pff, what a interesting guy"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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