*Three Jellyfish*

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After a long and rather tedious walk, (Name) found herself in one of Japan's towns. She wasn't sure of the name but couldn't be bothered to ask. Right now, she was focused on finding a place to stay for the night. As she walked down the sidewalk, and ignored the concerned or confused gazes by those she passed, her (eye color) orbs scanned the large buildings. Although occasionally she found herself staring at someone because of how odd they looked.

 "Is it normal now for people to have such strange things?" She thought as she tore her gaze away from a giraffe looking girl.

  "Is that what Izuku meant by a quirk?" She hummed as she walked by an open door. The smell of food wafted to her nose and her stomach rumbled in response. (Name) paused and turned to the peculiar shop. She had never smelt such an unique smell before. Her (eye color) orbs burned mini invisible holes into the building. Her grip on her fishing rod loosened slightly, but didn't fall from her grasp. A part of her wanted to try whatever food was being served inside but the other didn't want to. After a moment, and another rumble from her stomach, she decided to stick with what she had. She tightened her grip on the rod as she turned away from the shop.

  "I could always come back another time." She thought as she began to lightly jog down the sidewalk. The (blonde/redhead/etc.)'s gaze glanced around quickly, searching for a good place to sit. As she glanced around, she noticed the crowd had thinned out.

 "Maybe they have, what is it, jobs-?" She thought as she took a deep breath. The air was different, but she figured it was because she hadn't been in a city for a long time.

  Eventually her gaze landed on a vacant bench, so she decided to sit there. The bench was a few feet away from the entrance to a park, but (Name) decided to sacrifice a beautiful view for the sake of convenience. She shuffled over to the wooden bench and sat down (on the left/right/in the middle). After she got comfortable, she laid the rod against the bench. It slipped a little but decided to stayput. Then she slipped the brown bag off her shoulders and pulled it into her lap. Her (skin tone) fingers quickly opened the familiar pouch and began to dig around for the (color) bag. Her fingers brush against the (soft/rough/etc.) fabric and she grabs it. With a light tug she pulls the bag free.

  With a smile on her face, she sets the (color) bag next to her before closing the brown one. Then she moves the (color) bag into her lap and lays the brown one against her side. After that pulled the (dark/light) green ribbon away from the bag, which made it fall open. Inside was a decent sized pile of fish cakes which she had made herself. (Name) eagerly picked up one of the cakes and took a bite. Her eyes shut and she groaned with happiness as the taste of starfish filled her mouth.

  "At least it wasn't (fish).." She.thought as she greedily took another bite. It was a gamble when it came to flavors, as each cake looked identical. Most of the time (Name) could tolerate the flavor. Yet when it came to that particular fish, she just couldn't find the patience for it. She opened her eyes as a bird sung behind her.

  She finished the cake before reaching for another. Once she picked one up, she went to take a bite when a glare of sunlight hit her eyes. (Name) flinched at the sudden light but quickly adapted. Her (eye color) gaze turned to where the light came from.

  The light was being reflected from a strange looking building. It was large in size, bigger than most that she had seen so far. It resembled an H-shape and was almost completely covered in windows. She couldn't see much else due to other buildings and trees. Even if she could see more, she wouldn't as her gaze was focused on the building. It was nothing like she had ever seen. Her curiosity began to grow the more she stared at the building.

  "What's it for? Maybe it's a trading center? A hotel?" Her eyes sparkled at the thoughts and possibilities that ran through her mind. A small breeze ruffled her hair and fishing rod. Slowly, she took a bite from her fish cake. Her gaze never left the odd shaped building.

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