*Two Seagulls*

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Izuku, by some miracle, knew of a storage unit not too far away. He gave the (Brown/black/etc) haired girl the directions and she thanked him for it. Then she turned on her bare heels and hurried over to her boat, making new footprints in the sand. The green haired male watched her run over to the rather poor looking raft. Despite it being far, he noticed that there was a fishing rod laying across the deck.

 "I wonder if she goes fishing.." He thought curiously as he watched her bend down to grab the boat.

 "Ah, I should go help her." Izuku began to jog towards her only to stop mid step. She had quite literally picked up the raft and held it up by its sides. Then she began to walk once more, completely nonchalant by the fact that she was carrying a boat over her head.

  "Woah!" Izuku suddenly cried out in awe as she came closer to his form. Her eyes locked with his for a moment as he stepped closer, making her pause in her walk.

 "Is that your quirk?!" He asked with excitement and curiosity. (Name) tilted her head to the side, feeling lost by what he meant.

 "'Quirk'?" She parroted and he nodded. The (height) girl shook her head lightly. This made his awe look fall into one of confusion and shock.

 "Seriously? You can pick up your boat like it's nothing.." He stated in disbelief. (Name) only shrugged in return, her gaze moved down to the sand. She noticed that her shadow had begun to stretch, showing that the morning was progressing.

  She moved her gaze upward, back to Izuku. He was about to ask her something again when his pocket vibrated. The two stared at it, both filled with confusion. Izuku reached into his pants pocket and withdrew his phone. (Name) watched with an 'o' face as he poked at the strange and small device.

 "Is that one of the items he trades?" She continued to watch as he tapped away at the screen.

 "Maybe it's like my pin.."  She thought curiously, not noticing that his face had morphed into one of fear.

  "Ahhhh-!! I'm going go be late!!" He panicked and quickly slid his phone back into his pocket. (Name) hummed with curiosity but didn't say anything.

  "It's been nice meeting you! I hope we can see each other again!" He waved to her as he ran back up to the road. His rapid footsteps kicked up small flurries of sand but luckily none of the tiny rocks got into (Name)'s eyes. She watched his form run down the street quickly, then she noticed that green lighting seemed to surround his form. He sped off even faster, and quickly vanished from her sight.

  After a moment she took a deep breath and sighed before continuing on her journey. The wind begged for her to stay and play, but she ignored it's pleas and kept on her way. Since it was early in the morning, not many were out. So the the (height) girl was left alone on the streets with her boat and supplies. The only sounds that filled the streets were her sandy feet slapping against the pavement and the soft crinkling or groaning of her stuff.

  As she walked, her mind wandered back to Izuku. She wondered what he meant by a "quirk".

 "Maybe it's some sort of new trend?" She thought as she rounded another corner. The sign of the storage unit was in sight, but her pace stayed the same. The wind was much softer now and the scent of the beach was long gone. Now it was replaced with an odd mixture of smells. Some she picked up on was the smell of cleaner or trash but others she couldn't recognize.

 "It has been awhile since I've been on land.." She hummed as she stopped outside the office of the storage unit. (Name) glanced around to see where she could place her boat for now. On the left side was two small bushes which had been recently trimmed and on the right was where the gate was. On the other side of the gate was the various storage units. The (Redhead/noirette/etc) decided to place her boat next to the gate for now.

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