Chapter 9

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*SO SO SORRY for not uploading. I'm uploading the two i have to upload plus an extra! But seriosly, i know you've been waiting on chapter 9 so here it is! <3**


Niall and I haven’t seen each other since the other day. We’ve texted, talked on the phone, even facetimed a few times. He’s told me how Danielle and Eleanor have come to town, so Louis and Liam have been with them.

Today is Thursday, the day of the concert and our date is later tonight. I am beyond ready.

“What time is the concert?” Amanda asks.

“I think it starts at two.” I answer her.

I look down and see it’s twelve o’clock right now.

“I think we should start getting ready.” She tells me.

“You’re right, let me text Niall and figure out the plans.” I say.

Me; How are we supposed to get in backstage?

Niall Horan; Just let me know when you are here and I will come get you. :* xx

Me; Okay can’t wait! Xx

I go get in the shower and try to hurry. We need to leave here in about an hour.

I finish my shower and begin on drying my hair. I think I’ll pin a little of it to the sides, but wear most of it down for Niall.  I also do my makeup, as usual, very lightly.

“I don’t know what to wear…” I tell Amanda.

“Maybe a cute top and some Jeans. It’s a concert, so not very fancy.” She replies.

I pick out an orange, longsleeve top with some jeans. My shoes are black sandals. I also wear some black, feather earrings to go along. 

“Does this look okay?” I ask Amanda.

“Yes. Very cute.” She replies.

“Okay, it’s one thirty, we need to leave soon.” I tell her.

“Alright, let me grab my shoes.” She says, walking to her closet.

“Ready!” She calls to me.

“Let’s go!” I say.



We drive to the venue and we know it’s the right place when we see thousands of girls waiting to get in.

“Oh my gosh. That was us a few days ago.” Amanda said.

“I know. I still feel like them. They are basically our family.” I reply.

We continue to talk about them and how cute they all are, I also text Niall.

Me; Pulling up. Be ready. Xx

Niall Horan; I am. Harry and I are coming. So is the bodyguard. ;) xx

We get out the car and try to keep low so no one notices us. Two minutes passes by and then I see Niall and Harry and the bodyguard.

Niall comes up to me and gives me a big hug and a kiss on the head.

“I’ve missed you love.” He tells me.

“Me too.” I say, laying my head on his sholder.

“Let’s go in Mate.” Harry says, after he greets and hugs Amanda.

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