Chapter 15

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*** Hope you all are enjoying this! <3 Thanks for reading! xoxo***



I’m on my way to meet up with my mom for my appointment with the doctor. It’s at three and it’s 2:30 right now. I’m a little bit nervous. I don’t know why, but I am.

My phone rings. It’s Niall.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Hey love.” He says.

“Hey what’s up?”

“I just wanted to talk. You on your way to the doctor now?”

“Yeah, kinda nervous.”

“Don’t be. Remember I love you, so much.”

“I love you too Niall.”

He makes kissy sounds through the phone.

“Hahaha. Well I’m about to pull up at the doctor, I’ll text you later. Love you, bye.”

“Love you more, bye.” He says and hangs up.

I walk inside and check in. Not even ten minutes later the nurse calls my name, my mom and I go into the room.

“Dr.Ford will be in soon.” The nurse says.

It takes the doctor a while to come in.

“Hello, Hello. How’s everyone doing?” He says. “You must be Mrs.Sydney Wells.”

“Yes.” I say.

“So you want to be prescribed birth control.”


“Okay, I need to as a few questions first but mom, it’s about her personal life so I’m going to have to ask you to step out for a few minutes, please.”

“Alright.”  My mom says.

“Okay Sydney, first off, you are currently sexually active?”


“Mkay, and you did use protection?”


“You have your period every month?”


“When was your last one?”

“About three weeks ago.”

“Okay, and neither you or your partner have a history or STD’s?”


“Alright, well that’s it, let me get your mom and we will talk about the medicines.”

My mom walks back in and we all discuss which medicine I should take. He prescribes me one I only have to take once a week because I’m not good at taking stuff every day.

We finally get to leave. Hallelujah.



After we get home, I take my first pill. It’s a pink little pill with some numbers on the front. It’s kinda cute. I lay down the rest of the pills on my vanity and pick up my phone to call Niall.


My phone starts ringing. It’s Sydney.

“Hey love. How was the doctors?” I ask.

“Fine, I got put on birth control. Haha.” She replies.

“But what if I want to have a baby?” I ask jokingly.

“Haha. No way!”

“It would be a cute baby though, I mean I am gorgeous.”

“Oh yes, it would be, you are gorgeous.”

“Not as gorgeous as you.”


“I’m serious. You are the most beautiful girl in the whole world. I could never love another girl, unless she calls you mommy.”

“Awe Niall, you’re going to make me cry.”

“Don’t cry.”

“I’ll try not to.”

I hear the boys laughing at me. “Ooo. Niall is so sweet!! Hahaha!” Harry and Zayn mock me.

“Was that Harry?” Sydney asks.

“Yes, I’ll call you back later I’m gonna kick their ass’s! Haha.”

“Okay, love youuuu.”

“Love you too. Bye.” I hang up the phone and run over to tackle Harry.

“You can’t beat my ass!” Harry shouts.

“Oh yeah? Watch me! Hahaha!” I say as I start wrestling with him.

Zayn and Louis start helping Harry.

“No one touches my Harry!!” Louis shouts.

“I’m gonna pull his curls out!” I shout back.

“Oh no you want!!” Louis yells and starts tackling me.

Liam joins in on my side, I know I’ll win now, he’s the strongest of us all. He starts wrestling with Louis and pulls him off me and I move back onto Harry and Zayn.

After about ten minutes of playing around, we all stop and lay down. We’re so out of shape, except Liam. He’s fine.

“Wheew. I’m starved.”

“Fatty.” Harry says.

“Slut!” I reply.

“I’m not a slut, I can count of my hand how many girls I’ve slept with!”

“Yeah if your hand was a calculator!” Zayn says.

“Ooooo! Burn!” I say and we all burst out in laughter.

“Let’s go get some food.” I say as we all head down stairs.

**Sorry it’s so short! Xoxo. I'll upload one later! <3 Oh and please Keep Avalanna's family in your prayers. She is a young girl, aka Mrs.Bieber, who passed away today. </3 she will be missed. RIP. **

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