Chapter 2

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Dan's POV

I woke up feeling that my head had been punched by someone or something. I tried to sit up but I felt that something was restraining me. I looked and... Why is Phil on my bed??? I looked at my own shirt and realised that it was inverted. Did we? No.

I stared at Phil's sleeping figure. He looked so cute and angelic that I want to touch his face... He must have felt my awakening as his eyes fluttered open underneath his glasses. He saw us in the position and scrambled out of our tangled mess as somehow, during 'our sleep', Phil's legs and hands were intertwined with mine. He jumped out of my bed, clearly blushing-red. I too felt that the burning sensation on my cheeks growing.

He then mumbled something about painkillers before running out of the room. The pounding of my head was so painful that I had to lie back down again. I heard footsteps coming into my room but I didn't bother to look for I knew it was Phil by the sound that he walks.

Phil's face appeared on top of my face and I sat up. He gave me some painkillers and a glass of water which I swallowed within seconds to rid this painful and dizzy spell.

"I'm never drinking ever again," I groaned as I laid back down again. Phil laughed his adorable laugh as he knew that I would be drinking again in 7 days time. He pats me on my head and leaves the room.

I started staring out of my window. Until the oh all so almighty sun came shining through my window and blinded my poor eyes. I closed my eyes and rubbed it a bit, seeing patches of light in the 'darkness'. I soon drifted off to sleep once more.

My 1pm alarm on my phone rang once again and I blindly searched my phone to stop the alarm. But I couldn't so I just pressed the pillows against my ears, trying to block out the noise. Suddenly, my alarm stopped ringing and I opened my eyes out of curiosity. Phil was holding my phone with a small smile on his face.

"Thanks Phil," I mumbled, giving him a grin. He returned me a small smile before walking towards the door of my room. Phil walked out but poked his head back in and gave a little wave before closing the door. God I adore that guy so much.

I smiled at his retreating footsteps and took my phone. I opened it up to be bombarded by none other then Becky texts, ranging from anger, to frustration, to apologies. I sent her an apology, saying I had gone home before shutting off my phone.

I sat up on my headboard and took my computer that I always placed on my bedside table and began scrolling through Tumblr. Half way through Tumblr time, my stomach gave a low growl and patted my stomach saying, " There's rumbly in my tummy!" Quoting Winnie The Pooh. I smiled at the thought of Winnie The Pooh. He was the most friendliest bear in existence.

I got up from my bed and went to the kitchen to see what we had. I looked into the freezer to find frozen pizza which I took. I placed it into the microwave and flipped through the channels and finally watched Great British Bake Off.

Soon, a figure sat next to me and my heart raced. The sound of the microwave brought be back. I ran to the kitchen and took the pizza out and placed it on a plate. I walked to the sofa and offered a slice to Phil. He accepted it and we watched 2 episodes of the GGBO before Phil suggested to have a all-movie day.

Nodding my head enthusiastically, Phil walked to our DVD collection and picked The Fault In Our Stars. (Let us pretend it was already out :P) He looked at me with a questioning look and I smiled at him. He placed the CD into the player and sat back onto the sofa...

It was 3/4 into the movie and Phil was occasionally giving me fresh tissues. It was heartbreaking yet heartwarming. I looked at Phil smiling at the movie. But I wish that I could wipe that smile of and put a kiss on it. But impossible because Phil is as straight as a ruler. Me? A closeted gay. Yes. Becky was just a cover-up so I would seem 'normal'. And if I told Phil, he might be homophobic and run away, like so many others did. I was so deep in thought that I didn't see Phil trying to tell me the movie has ended. I looked at him and asked one question other then if he was gay or bi. "Did we do anything last night?"

Phil looked at me with wide eyes and shouted a No. I gave him my questioning eyebrow and he nodded his head. Silence filled the apartment and I broke it by commenting that the silence was awkward. He laughed at my awkwardness with his tongue poking out at the side of his mouth. I started laughing along with him, my dimples showing.

Our laughter soon eased and Phil got up from the sofa once more and took out the movie called The Ring and by the cover of the CD, I knew it was a horror film. I'm not really into horror movies and I haven't watched it yet but I knew Phil liked watching this movie so I let him anyway.

[Guys, i don't know how the movie The Ring goes. Opps :P This is my weak interpretation. BTW, I just read the movie review and I got scared just by reading it. I am never going to watch the movie]

Phil POV

It was about only 30 minutes into the movie when I felt Dan shaking next to me. I turned my head and saw that he was hugging his knees. I paused the movie hugged Dan to try and comfort him a bit. When he finally stopped shaking, I asked him what had happened.

"I... am not really a fan of horror movies..." He trailed off. Oh. So that was why. Knowing I had to do something, I went to our box of movies to see if there was one movie that could help Dan. I rummaged through for a while before I found the perfect movie resting in my hands. I got up and placed the CD into the CD player and walked back to Dan who was now curled up.

When the familiar song played, Dan looked up and his frown immediately turned into a wide grin.

"Pooh! Help piglet with the carts..." The television blared. Dan eyes were twinkling with excitement and his childish side of him had resurfaced. He loved Winnie The Pooh and I knew he did. I was delighted to see if so happy, from the previous episode. I frowned at the thought and blamed myself but laughed again when a hilarious scene started playing.

After a while, a random thought came on my mind. It was that Dan seemed like Winnie The Pooh and I was Piglet...


After countless Winnie The Pooh movies and tons of junk food, it was close to midnight. I was in a midst of a movie when I felt something resting on my shoulder. My body tensed up but relaxed when I realised that it was just Phil, taking a closer look, I found out that he was asleep and must have found that my shoulder was a good pillow.

I smiled at his sleeping figure and turned of the TV. I placed the remote on the sofa and rested my head on his head and I have to admit, that that position was quite comfortable.

Listening to his rhythmic heartbeats and soft breaths swayed me and I fell into a deep sleep.

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