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Yay I updated 🙈 after soooo long, well I'm really sorry I had writer's block but I hope you enjoy this chapter. Also I need help I don't know whether I should leave the chapters in Italics to show Alice is telling a story or what please just help.

"Noah, are you okay?" April asked a little concerned.

Noah doesn't hear April, all he hears is the voice in his head telling him that he shouldn't have let Alice go. Rage takes over his body as he starts breaking all the furniture and throwing all the picture frames. He takes the blindfold off and the tears keep falling, mostly out of anger, he was angry at himself and he knew he would never forgive himself for as long as he lived if he married April

April stood dumbfounded, a little scared. She had never seen Noah like this before, he was a mess. What happened to the boy she fell in love with? Was this the man she was to marry?

Noah had calmed down enough to notice April standing in the corner, her soul had something he couldn't quite figure out, something that looked like hatred but he didn't want to look anymore. This was all his fault, if only he wasn't born this way, if only he could escape this terrible fate, his mind went back to think what would've happened if he saw Alice's soul, would he see the darkness consume it? Then he would be forced to take her out. He tried to comfort himself by saying everything he did was to protect her but he knew that was only half of it, the other half was because he was a coward just like he's father and would never be able to stand up to the LEGION. No matter how much he's heart screamed at him , his soul still belonged to them, he will always be a part of them

Alice walked in the rain to the train station and sat on the bench, her feet hurt and her stomach growled but She had no money or heart left. She didn't know what to feel but at some point she had always expected Tyler to let her down, he was like a tide, her tide and just like he pulled her in,he pushed her out but with Noah it was different, it hurt the most, to a point where she felt it actually scar her soul and now she was all alone in the cold.

The wind was as harsh as the rain, she felt a storm on its way but unfortunately for her that wasn't the only thing on it's way, as she shivered in the dark she saw two figures appear from the dust but Alice wasn't as stupid as she appeared to be, she knew better. She knew they were part of the Legion and would kill her in an instant if they saw her soul but they were so close already that all Alice could do was plead for mercy.

The two figures appeared in front of the girl sitting on bench, they scaned her like a barcode. Her soul was a body of scars and she had nothing left but a small fragment of her heart and her fate was already known to them.

Alice peered at the Male and Female in front of her, their eyes shimmering like the nights stars, she knew what was to become of her the moment she saw them heading her way but still hoped they would show her some form of mercy but all her hope was lost the moment the male Legion pulled out a weapon, she didn't have enough strength to flinch or run so instead she closed her eyes calmly and awaited the horror of her death.

Alice opened her eyes slowly but nothing had happened instead the female held her hand out to the male as if to tell him to wait and then she crouched down to Alice. By this point Alice was terrible frightened, she had hear of tales where they would dig into their victims body and pull out their organs and that made Alice want to run away as fast as she could but her legs wouldn't move off the bench.

The female Legion looked into Alice's eyes as if to assure her that she meant no harm and then touched Alice's stomach and whispered "You are with child" Alice felt sick, she didn't know what was a worse fate, her death or being pregnant. Alice tried to stand up but everything seemed hazy at first and then everything went black.

The Half dead girl had fallen into Andrew's arms, Andrew was extremely angry that they couldn't kill her because she had a promise of a new heart and a healed soul, Why did he have to bring Elina along, if only she wasn't there then she would have not of seen the child. Elina was always the soft one, she took pity on all her killings , so much in fact that she even prayed before their death and cried after it. Now Andrew had to carry the girl home but where was this home?

Hope it was all good, also please don't forget to vote and comment. Its not gonna hurt to hit that vote button please 😢
See ya✌❤

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