(Oumasai) Long Time No See

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Kokichi and Shuichi were both playing tag with each other, laughing as they ran through the park. Just as Kokichi was nearing Shuichi, he tripped over a tree root that was sticking out of the dirt. He fell over, scraping his knee. He was always a wild eleven years old. Getting into trouble, picking up fights with others and getting himself badly hurt, ending up with a lot of bandaids around him. Shuichi always tried to be there for him and patch up his wounds.

Kokichi rolled over and started to laugh. Soon after, Shuichi joined in on his laughter and lied down next to him. Kokichi let out a happy sigh. "Hey, Saihara-Chan?" Kokichi spoke, looking up at the trees and clouds. "Yeah?" Shuichi responded with a content smile. "Can we play again next Monday?" Shuichi paused, and suddenly got nervous. His smile turned into an anxious one, trying his best to seem happy. "About that.." Shuichi sat up, as he played with the hens of his T-shirt. "I.." Kokichi sat up, Shuichi's sudden nervous behaviour catching his curiosity. "Spill the beans!" He said with a grin. "I have to move."

Kokichi's heart shattered. Why didn't he tell him this?! Why now?! "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?!" Kokichi said, his eyebrows furrowing. "I didn't want to make you worried or sad. I wanted you to be happy. Not sad the whole time because I'm going to move away." Shuichi nervously explained. "I... where are you moving away to?" Kokichi sighed, upset that his best friend was leaving. "Sapporo," Shuichi said in a sad tone. He hugged his legs and rested his head on his knees. "What!" Kokichi exclaimed. That was.. actually, he didn't know how far that was, but it takes so many hours to get there! "I'm moving there with my uncle. I tried to persuade my parents to stop me from going, but they didn't budge." Kokichi crosses his legs, looking down at the ground. The only person who genuinely cared about him was moving away for who knows long.

"They won't even let me call you because they say that you're a bad influence! I-" Shuichi outstretched his arms while yelling, then wrapped them around his legs once more. He buried his face in his knees. He was trying to stop himself from crying. "Damn.," Kokichi said, looking off in the distance, then back at Shuichi. He noticed that he was tearing up, his eyes going glossy. He suddenly hugged Shuichi, catching the other off guard. He soon hugged back, shifting his body towards him. "I promise I'll be back soon.." "You promise, right?" "I promise."

Six years have passed, Shuichi being separated from Kokichi. On the first year, he was so used to Kokichi being by his side in the afternoon. Them, walking by each other's side in the park. But of course, the other half of the pair wasn't here, with him. Four years passed by, as Shuichi tried to lose his old habit. He eventually tried to stop thinking about Kokichi. He didn't know how long he would be here. It could be the rest of his life or only a few more years. So, he started to forget about Kokichi, erasing those old memories.

Shuichi exchanged schools here and there after his Uncle moved to another place to the next. He didn't think through it as much. Though, there was one difference here. His Uncle said that they weren't moving any longer. Not until there was a serious case, anyway.

Shuichi was half-way through the day of his new school. He was looking at his class schedule, trying to find the right class number. Shuichi quietly groaned, walking up the stairs. Maybe he should just ask for someone's help in finding his class. What if he bothers them, though? What if they don't want to help him? What if— Shuichi stumbled back after walking straight into someone by accident. He was trying to regain his balance before fully tumbling down. "Oof, you gotta be more careful, emo-hat!" The person he just bumped into the spoke. Shuichi couldn't see them as well because of his hat covering his olive eyes. He adjusted his navy hat again and looked down at the male, assumed by his voice. "Wait.. oh my fucking god!" The other said in shock. What happened? Was there something on his face? Shuichi's eyes scanned over the other male. He had a shock of dark purple hair. 'Wait... no way.' Shuichi thought, all the memories flooding back. All of those childhood play dates, the good old times.

"O-ouma?!" "Saihara-Chan?!" They both said in unison. "Missed my handsome face? Nishishishishi~!" And there was his signature laugh. This was definitely Ouma. This wasn't some illusion or hallucination. "Wh- What?!" Shuichi said, his cheeks and neck getting hotter. Kokichi's head turned to see if anyone was watching, and surprisingly, not a lot of people were paying attention. Kokichi looked back at Shuichi and went for an embrace. Shuichi wrapped his arms around the other, smiling like a little kid that was about to enter a candy store. He finally was able to meet him again after being separated for years.

They stood like that for a minute. Together in each other's arms. Shuichi could hear Kokichi whisper something. It was probably 'I missed you.' A few seconds later, he pulled away quickly. "I need to head to my class or I'll be late! See you later, Shumai!" He walked down the stairs, grinning. "Ah- um- okay!" Shuichi reached for his cheeks, feeling how hot they were. "Full homo though!" "What?" Shuichi looked over at where he heard Kokichi's voice. He heard him running down shortly after he said it.

[A/N] This story was mostly inspired by a game called: Butterfly Soup! This game's graphics are really adorable. It's basically about four Asian teenage kids in America, who are all Lesbian or Bisexuals. And they play baseball! It's a free download game, check it out! ywy

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