(Kaemiu: Fluff) Cuddles

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Kaede lay in her bed, scrolling through Instagram on her phone, even though it was nearing 11 O'clock. She was waiting for her girlfriend, the wonderful yet very confident, Miu Iruma, to come to join her in bed after a long day of hard work. She was probably drying her hair and brushing her teeth after she got out of the bath. She heard lights being switched off since the walls in their flat were paper-thin. Miu walked towards the bed, groaning. Her face shown utter exhaustion and relief. She could finally sleep!

Miu flopped her body down on her side of the bed, rolling over to face the ceiling. "Ugghhhhhh... the great Miu Iruma has driven her golden brain to peak geniusness!" Kaede chuckled and gave her a small peck on the other's forehead. "Well then, you should sleep! I don't want my girlfriend to be tired tomorrow that she can't function through the day!" Kaede said, putting her phone away onto the small bedside desk. Miu's face flushed at Kaede saying 'girlfriend'. She still wasn't used to it, even if it was over one month of them being an official couple. The fact that another girl loved her for just being herself was incredible and unimaginable for her. Yet here they were, sharing a bed and one blanket.

Kaede got up and tucked Miu in and turned off the lights. She got back into the bed, using the walls to navigate her way towards the bed in the darkness. She got in bed and kissed Miu on the cheek. "Good night. Sweet dreams." Kaede giggled a bit, as she turned around and pulled the blanket. Miu felt suddenly cold as the blanket was pulled away. Ohh no. Miu couldn't help but break a smirk as she pulled the blanket away from Kaede. "Hey!" Kaede pulled the blanket back and tried to sleep. "Stop hogging the blanket!" Kaede semi-shouted in a more playful tone than an angry or serious one. Miu pulled the blanket again, faking snores.

Kaede thought of an evil plan to set into motion. She'll bring out the big guns now! She moved closer to Miu and tickled her sides. Miu broke into a laugh and started to snort. This was absolutely adorable to Kaede. Her laughs sounded so angelic somehow. "Pff- Hahaha! Oh my god! Bakamatsu- I swear to god- nO- Hahaha! Stooppp!!" Miu said through her laughs, dragging out the stop. Kaede was merciless. "No! Not unless you don't pull the blanket away!" Kaede smiled evilly as Miu kept on laughing. "Okay, Okay! I'll stop!" Kaede stopped tickling her, as the other let out a sigh of relief that the tickling session was over.

"How are we going to equally share the blanket though?" Miu said, turning her face towards Kaede, even though she couldn't really see her. "Spooning! Spooning! Spooning! Spooning!" Kaede chanted, ready to be the big spoon. "F-fine.." Miu was trying to act as confident and tough as possible, like how she didn't agree to spoon with her. She very much indeed wanted to spoon with her girlfriend. Her hands were so soft and fit so perfectly in her own hand. Her hair was soft and fluffy too. When she pressed her body against her back and wrapped her loving arms around Miu in the winter, she immediately started to feel warm and comfortable. They both felt at peace. She could make a whole list of how Kaede was the perfect person to spoon with.

Miu's body curled up smaller so Kaede could easily wrap her arms around her and be the big spoon. She wrapped her arms around Miu, nuzzling her face into her neck. "Also, you are so getting tickled back sooner or later," Miu said in a jokingly threatening manner. "Ahaha..." Kaede awkwardly laughed, afraid of what would happen soon.

Drowsiness overcame the two as they fell asleep, Miu in Kaede's arms.

Miu fluttered open her eyes. It was all dark and probably was somewhere in the middle of the night. She didn't feel the warmth of her lover's body holding her safe anymore. She rolled over, finding Kaede soundlessly asleep. She just realised something. "Hey, you awake?" Kaede groaned, her eyes squinting, looking over in the general direction of Miu. "Bitch, what do you want?" 'Oooh. Tired and pissed off Kaede!' Miu thought, mentally laughing. "How long does someone have to be very fucking dead before it's considered arch- archaeology- whatever its fuckin' called, instead of robbing a fucking grave?" Kaede groaned, rolling over to the other side. "Go back to sleep, Miu. Its 3 AM." And so, Kaede fell asleep. "BuT AnSwEr THe fuCkINg qUesTiOn-" "Shhhh.." Kaede shushed Miu. "Just let your mind go blank and sleep." Miu let out a huff and closed her eyes once more.  

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