(Kaemiu Bittersweet) Akamatsu Family

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Kaede and Miu have decided to bring a foster into their home and take them in under their care. The two wanted a child, a child to care for and cherish, but being a lesbian couple, they couldn't really have their own child. Stupid universe. Although, they could care for a child from the foster care system. They didn't know whether to adopt them or not yet. The child they were caring for was merely only twelve, who dressed in a cute manner, but also caused a ruckus. The first few days when they came under the couple's care, she was timid and anxious about the two. She tested their limits by being a general toddler, causing trouble and causing a fit every now and then. Yet, Kaede and Miu still kept her and tried to comfort her.

The child they cared for was called Kotoko. She had long light pink hair and would usually wear a headband with big devil horns on them with a bow. She just wanted to see if Kaede and Miu weren't demons. She had a mindset of adults and parents being demons, paedophiles and everything bad. She had a rough childhood, and of course, trauma came with it. Though, the Akamatsu family were far greater than she expected. They only scolded her in a soft tone which wasn't those angry, scary yells she heard before. Or those soft 'gentle' voices which were coated with evil intent. It was motherly and nice. They even read her to bed, which she appreciated greatly. They even bought her ice cream! She has grown attached to the couple. She didn't want to be passed away to other parents. Kaede's motherly, attitude with her extraordinary talent to play the piano, making people feel any emotion with just her swift fingers across the keys. Miu's rather confident, attitude with her rather vulgar language and jokes. She knew she never tried to curse in front of Kotoko, but she's heard her curse. Miu also had an amazing talent of inventing new machinery with the things she had made or was lying around. They were amazing. She knew that they were Ultimates, like her! They had earned her trust. She didn't want them to leave her alone.

But one day, they did. "This might take a while but you can wait, right, Kotoko?" Kaede said at the entrance to the house, bending over a bit to match Kotoko's height. Miu was getting her light jacket on and heading to the doorway. "Do you promise you'll be back?" Kotoko said, worry in her tone. Kaede knitted her eyebrows and smiled. "I promise." She took out her hand, her hand balling up, only her pinky up. Kotoko wrapped her own pinky around hers. The two let go of each other's hand after a few seconds. "I can get Harukawa-san to take care of you while we're gone. I talked to her and she said she's free." Kotoko perked up at the name 'Harukawa'. That was the name of her baby sitter! She shook her head quickly as possible after Kaede said her name. "No! She's boring and scary!" Kotoko stomped her foot. What Kotoko said earned a snort from Miu. "Way to be a 'Child Caregiver', she probably hates kids!" Kotoko said with a giggle. "Okay, okay." Kaede chuckled, standing the right way up, looking down at Kotoko. "Just promise me you won't wreck the place up, okay?" Kotoko smiled and nodded her head. "I won't." "Also, if you ever get hungry, there's some food in the fridge, okay? The stool is in the kitchen, I think." Kaede said, acting like a full-on mother.

"Now, we'll be off! Don't miss us too much, 'kay?" Miu said with a grin. "Let's go, Bakamatsu," Kaede said as she opened the door and the two waved Kotoko goodbye, before leaving and locking the door. Now, Kotoko was left to her own devices. Maybe she was being too scared and anxious? They wouldn't leave her for good, right? Kotoko quietly whimpered, as she walked down the hall and went into the living room. All she could really do to pass the time was to watch television to pass the time. An hour passed, then another.

After a while, Kotoko fluttered open her eyelids after hearing the front door unlock and open. She heard Kaede and Miu talking, but couldn't make out what they were saying since they weren't talking loud enough. "We're home!" She heard Kaede shout. Kotoko sat up and jumped off the couch, not bothering to turn off the television. She opened the door and ran over to the front entrance. Kotoko ran towards Kaede and Miu and embraced them in a warm hug. "Aw! Did you miss us?" Miu said, the two hugging her back. "Where were you?" Kotoko let go of the hug, looking up at them. "We'll explain soon. Let's go to the living room first, though." Kaede said with a smile, already taking off her shoes.

The three made their way to the living room, sitting on the couch, turning the TV off. "So, we have some news!" Miu said with a rather comforting smile. Kotoko tilted her head, curiosity getting the better of her. Could it be a pet? A toy? Some new adorbs clothes? "This took us a long time so you better be grateful!... Aaanndd I'm just joking." Miu chuckled. "We know that you're apart of our family, but we've never really got it official. So, we've adopted you. You won't be passed on to a new family. We wanted to make you apart of our family as possible, but now, its plus 30 family points!! I'm sorry... Aha!" Miu lightly punched Kaede's arm. Not enough force to hurt her. "Kaeidiot, you dork."

Kotoko's eyes were getting glossy, her vision going slightly blurry. She felt a hot salty tear drop roll down her cheek. After the first teardrop fell, everything began to crumble down, the rest following in an unbroken stream. She covered her face, her nose slowly turning a faint crimson colour. Her feelings were mixed with overwhelming joy and sadness. Everything up until now, she was trying to hold it all in, to keep herself together. From the trauma of her childhood to her toxic friend, to everything. She thought she'd never reach her own happy ending. But here she is, actually here, hearing the news. The air was too heavy to inhale, her emotions finally crashing down was overwhelming her. But most of all, she was happy. She never had been happier. Kaede and Miu wrapped their motherly arms around Kotoko.  "T-thank y-you.." Kotoko's breath hitched, trying to stutter out her words through her sobbing. "We love you, Kotoko," Kaede said, her eyes were closed as she embraced her child. "And don't you dare forget that." Miu finished Kaede's sentence, her eyes were closed as she said so as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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