Chapter: 77

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L'a pov

Rondo and Nika was already fighting and this nigga ain't even been back 24 hours yet. I don't even know what they dumb asses was fighting over, I just know it was some dumb shit.

"L'a tell him to give me my damn Root Beer back!"

I just shook my head at her. I could have sworn she wanted this nigga out, and now she complaining.

"Shut up bitch!"

Rondo replied back. When I tell you Nika jumped on him and started hitting him.

"Bitch get yo big sumo wrestler ass off me!"

Rondo screamed. I sighed and got up grabbing Nika off him. Not because I cared about him but because she know damn well she not supposed to be fighting.

"No get off me!"

She said tryna get out my grip.

"Man, chill yo ass out."

I warned her. She looked at me and pouted.

"But he's being mean to me."

"Aww damn. My balls, my stomach!"

Rondo groaned holding himself making me look at him in disgust.

"Nigga wtf is yo nasty ass doing?"

"She kicked me in my dick!"

"Oh shut up and stop being a pussy."

Nika snapped at him. Nika and rondo fight like brother and sister.

"Man y'all annoying. We going upstairs Nika."

I said grabbing her and pulling her towards the stairs."

"Dats why yo ass got flat bîtch!"

I facepalmed as Nika started charging towards him again.

"No, bring yo ass back here!"

I grabbed her picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder.

"No, he bouta stop talking bout my booty. It ain't my fault his bîtch bootyless."

I took her into her room and put her on the bed.

"I think you need a nap."

"Ion need shit but to beat his ass."

She said getting back up off the bed. I just pushed her back down and went to shut the door.

"Man I hate you."

She mumbled, mugging me.

"I love you too."

Mak left me with Nika and Rondo all by myself like I'm some damn babysitter. They been fighting all day.

"I'm hungry."

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