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Mr. Sinclair once asked the class to make a list of the ten most beautiful words in the English language, and the only word that really seemed beautiful to Louis was tenderness. Tenderness has two meanings: gentleness and kindness and feelings of deep affection or devotion. Louis had never felt these things. He had always been taken for granted and abused. His mum was a beautiful woman his father left when he was just a boy. His mum, who felt that she needed a man in her life, that no one cared for her, was a major acholic and had a new boyfriend almost every week. Louis didn't mind all that much, but the guys she dates are abusive and don't know how to keep their hands to themselves. Every day when he came home from school, he'd go to his room and start homework. His mum didn't come home until later from work so it was usually just him and whoever she was dating at the moment. Like for instance this week it was a man named Luke. Louis didn't have a problem with Luke. He usually was passed out on the couch or in the den watching football. Today as Louis walke into the kitchen to grab a snack, Luke was there drinking some sort of cocktail. "hey Luke." he said, which caused Luke to jump. "Jesus Christ!" Luke exclaimed."Actually, it's just me," said Louis. "Although I've been told the resemblance is startling." this made Luke mad. Louis hadn't meant anything by it but Luke decided he didn't need a tone. "don't be a smart alick." Luke snarled getting too close for Louis' liking. "sorry..." Louis muttered. Luke put his hand on Louis' shoulder. "don't be sad loulou. I forgive you." Luke said softly rubbing Louis' arm up and down. This was just to much, he didn't like being touched by older men he barley knew. Luke moved closer, causing Louis to feel his breath and literally taste the horrid alcohol. He tried to move back but Luke held him tighter. "l-Luke p-please I need to go f-finish my school work.." he stuttered out. Luke just smirked and pulled him even closer. "now come on loulou just give me a kiss. Lay one on me." Louis grimaced and turned his head, squeezing his eyes shut.Luke grabbed his chin roughly forcing him to look at him. He reached his hand behind his neck and forced his lips slopply onto his. Louis didn't kiss back, it was disgusting. Louis tried to pull back but that just caused Luke to pull him closer. Louis gave up and just stood there not moving at all. He heard a car outside and knew his mum was home. He tried to push Luke off of him but again that didn't work. Luke forced him closer, pushing him up against the counter. The front door slammed and Luke quickly flipped them around, just as Louis' mum walked into the kitchen. "LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!" she screeched. "YOU DISGUSTING LITTLE FAG!!!" Luke pushed him off. "goodness how dare you!" he yelled. Louis felt the tears spring to his eyes but his blinked them back. "GET OUT!! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!!" she yelled. Finally the tears were falling and he just nodded and walked out the door. He didn't need any of the things from his room. It would only lead to memories unneeded. He walked for a while until he finally broke down. Horrid sobs leaving his lips and ear peircing screams filled the air. He rocked back and forth, happy he had found an alley way. The tears continued their flow as he sobbed and screamed, pulling at his jeans violently. He stood, about to leave the alley, when two hands were keeping a grip on his waist. His lip trembled as he took in a shaky breath. "...uh...hi?" he stuttered out, a small whimper leaving his lips. "why are you out alone?" a deep husky voice asked in his ear. "I uh... Why do you care?" Louis asked not wanting to give out too much information. "sassy huh?" the voice chuckled, causing hot puffs of air to hit Louis' neck, making him shiver. "you're pretty. " the voice stated. Louis cringed. "are you going to uh...kill me?" he squeaked. He heard of murders happening in London before. "maybe. Are you afraid?" the voice asked, starting to kiss Louis' neck softly. "no. " he stated. He wasn't afraid. He didnt have anything to live for anymore. "why not?" the voice murmured on his skin. "I'm not afraid to die. I have no family no money no job no friends I have nothing I don't care if I die. " he shrugged. The person turned him around and smirked, looking him up and down. "come with me?" the boy asked. Louis' breath hitched in his throat. How could someone so...gorgeous, be so dangerous?


A/N:Sooo uuhhh yeah this has nothing to do with the sequel yall were waiting for because i am still working on thst and this just happened to pop in my mind like i have the whole story written in my head kinda i just gotta put it on paper. sorry for not uploading anything in forever but yeah and this is also being posted because you kno LWWY im obsessed like srsly and about the dangerous thing harry is supossedly a serial killer and louis thought for sure he was gonna kill him becausw you kno...alley way....deep voice....strong grip.....uhh yeah idek but this also doesnt have a title i have to choose one still but dont worry i have a list so yeahhhh enjoy!

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