Part One

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Notes: Just a Brie Bella/Dean Ambrose thing. Nothing too fancy.

Also kayfabe is real for this, deal with it.


Rubbing it in her sisters face, winning her two-on-one handicap match - something her sister couldn't do when she was put in the similar position - Brie Bella was all smiles.

After these past few weeks of abuse from her sister it felt good to have some form of retribution, even if she hasn't fully gotten her hands on Nikki.

Walking backstage she headed for the door what leads to outside, near the parking lot.

It was sometimes her place of thought or relaxation, somewhere she'd be able to hear her own thoughts, getting away from the busy atmosphere of backstage.

Pushing the door open she slowly stopped to a halt, closing her eyes as she took a deep breath, inhaling the cool air. A smile came across the Bella's face, one of solitude.

"You lost, Bella?", a voice asked.

Her smile quickly faded, eyes widening as she didn't expect for anyone to be out here.

Looking over to her right Brie realised that she truly wasn't alone, not when the WWE's 'ugly stepchild' - as he dubbed himself after he returned last Monday night - and resident unstable man of the night, Dean Ambrose was perched upon one of the crates, waving at her with a small smile.

"I thought I was alone.", she spoke as she stared over at him.

"As Bad News Barrett would say..", Dean cleared his throat before putting on his best impersonation of the British bare-knuckle brawler, "I'm afraid I've got some bad news."

Brie let out a small laugh, "So what brings you out here?", she asked.

"Golden boy is probably looking for me, thought I'd play alittle hide and seek until my match.", Dean replied, 'Golden boy' meaning his ex-faction member Seth Rollins, who betrayed him and Roman Reigns and siding with the Authority.

Brie nodded in understanding, a smile slowly forming on her lips, "Nice trick you played on him by the way, it was hilarious.", she commented.


"What was in that briefcase of his?"

"You don't want to know.", Dean smirked at her. "Didn't peg him for that kinda person..strange. And you think you know a guy, heh."

Brie's eyes widened slightly, trying to imagine what exactly Dean could be on about. Shaking her head she tried to clear the though about it, only to realise that the Lunatic Fringe was staring at her, his smirk still present.

"What?", she questioned.

"Thinking about it?", he questioned in return, raising a brow at her.

"Me? No, never. I mean..", Brie shrugged off, looking down as a small blush came across her cheeks.

Dean let out an amused hmph, "So what brings you out here?", he asked.

Brie shrugged slightly, walking over to where he was, leaning against the crate. "Just needed some alone time, I come out here often to just think.", she answered.

"Once again, I apologise for ruining that for you.", Dean spoke, holding his hands up in defence.

"No need to be sorry, sometimes having company is better than being alone.", she replied, smiling up at him.

Smiling back at her, Dean looked at the the woman beside him. As anyone would, he always found her to be pretty, no doubt about that. He fount her more friendlier than her twin sister, Nikki too.

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