Episode 3: Brother Where Are Tho

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I slowly walk to my bosses door. 'I didn't want to see him but I knew I had no choice.'

"You may enter" the woman said at the desk beside the doors.

'Her perfume didn't makeup for how rude and smelly she was.' I smile a little.

"I wouldn't smile if I was you." she giggles. "He isn't in the best of moods with you" she turns to her computer and types.

'See what I mean? Fake bitch.' I open the door to reveal a large room. A desk lay in the back in front of a window that looked over somewhat of the city.

A man that looks like in his 50s stood from his chair. He looked as if he was going to explode. He always had a grumpy face on. Even when I first started here.


'There I was. My hair short than. Right to my chin. And lets not forget my bangs. What was I thinking?'

"Here I go. I got this!" I knock on Mr. Cams door.

"Come in!" I hear a mans voice yell from the over side.

I walk through the doors. The room was huge. It looked as if you could put a million people in here and still have a lot of room for more.

A man was at his desk. He was smoking a cig. He looked up at you. "You must be the new girl." he puts his cig out and coughs. "Have a seat" he points to chairs in front of him.

End Of Flashback~

I sit down in front of his desk. He stared at me. His stare was burning me. I knew I fucked up some how. "Y-yes Mr. Cam. You wanted to see me?" I was terrified.

"Yes" He turns his computer screen towards me. "Can you explain this?"

I was confused by his question. 'What was he talking about?'

"Mrs. Ambrose.." He stands. "In all my time of work I've never had to fire someone. Especially someone like you." he was standing behind me. "You are very hard working." He points to the screen. "Now I want you to watch something I found" He plays the video.

My eyes widen. It was me. In his office. I was with someone. I knew who it was. It was Calvin. I start to remember that day.


"Calvin I cant." I giggle a little. He was touching my thighs. And kissing my neck.

"Oh come on. I know you're working late but cant we just have a little fun." He bites my neck a little.

"No." I smile. "I have to work" I try to push him off.

"Oh come on. We can role play." He picks me up and sets me on the desk. "We can play as Mr. Boss man and you can be..." He removes his shirt "my sexy secretary" He lays me back and starts to remove my clothes.

End of flashback~

I swallow hard. 'How could I be so stupid? I shouldn't have done it. Especially in my bosses office.'

Mr. Cam sat back at his desk turning the computer screen back to him. "So anything you wanna say?"

I sigh. 'There was nothing I could say. I knew I messed up.' "Mr. Cam I'm so sorry. I understand if you want to fire me" I stare at the ground.

I hear him sigh. "Listen Ambrose. I know you fucked up but you have to pay for doing something wrong. So I hate to say it but I'm going to have to let you go."

I start to tear up. 'Why did I have to be so stupid' I stand. "Thank you for letting me work here. I apologize for what I did." I walk away and out of his office.

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