Before I knew it, Christmas was already here. I didn't know if vampires celebrate Christmas or not. But either way I was. I decorated my room. Christmas lights hung from the walls. A small tree sat in the corner. It was like I was back at home. I didn't want anything this year. I got what I wanted. My mom and I get to spend time with her and I became a vampire. It was nice. I loved this Christmas more than the others.
A knock at the door startled me. I walked to the door and opened it. Cien stood there holding a box. I moved out the way for him to come in. I told him he could help and he did. He too liked Christmas. I asked him, since I can't leave this place, to get me some wrapping paper.
He laid the box on my bed. I opened it.
"Hope this was worth it." He said stretching.
"It was. Cause I got you a present." I say grabbing a Santa hat. I put it on his head.
He smiled. "Well good. I think I've been a good boy this year." He laughed loud.
Man that laugh melted my heart. The more I got close to Cien the more I found out about him. I think I've developed a crush on him.
"Ambrose?" Cien said snapping his finger in my face.
I noticed I was staring at him. "Um...sorry." I look in the box and grab the wrapping paper.
"Now I'm going to wrap the gifts. So you need to leave." I say pushing him out the door.
I shut the door. I turn to grab the gifts and I start to wrap them.
Christmas was in just one day. I already wrapped my gifts and now all I had to do was wait.
I was walking down the hall and I was thinking. I got Cien something, my mom, and a little something for Cerberus. I know we haven't talked but I mean he would say hi once and a while when I would walk down the halls. Cien wasn't with me when he did. I don't know why they seem like this but something is going on between them and I wonder what?
As I was going on in my head a sudden scream woke me out of it. I had been walking down one of the halls and someone was screaming?
I ran towards the scream. As I got closer my ears hurt. Man this person has a loud scream.
I come to a door. I was about to open it when I heard another voice.
"Shut up!"
I heard a slap. It was a deep mannish voice. Who is this? What's going on?
I press my ear toward the door.
"" someone pleaded.
I crack the door a little. It didn't make any noise. I peck inside.
A young girl with long blonde hair and tan skin sat at a chair tied to it. What is going on in there?
I listen closer.
"You and your kind are all the same." A man approach her. He wore a black jacket and dark red pants. I didn't see his face.
"Please just let me go. I promise I won't say anything about you!" She yelled crying. Tears rolled down her face.
This poor girl. How could he be so mean to her. Without thinking I open the door. The door slammed against the wall. The man and girl turned my way. The man before me was someone I haven't met. He looked different than Cien and Cerberus. His skin was not pale but grey. His hair was red and a long scar ran down his face.
"What are you doing here!" He yelled making the room feel like it was shaking.
"Please help me!" The girl yelled crying more.

Vampire Reporter
VampireAmbrose had a normal day by day life. She worked hard in her career and did everything right. Though when her boss finds a video of her and her ex she gets fired. Now with no job and no living relatives left she tries to make ends meet. But somethin...