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Tuesday, 2:38 am

You: I'm going to graduate with my associate's degree on Saturday! Are you coming?

Mark: I'm sorry, I can't... I have to work...

You: It's okay, there's always the bachelors.

Mark: I gotta go practice, Talk to you soon!

You: byebye


You were sitting on a bench outside, a muffin in one hand and your phone in the other. You were slowly drowning in the sweetness it provided, which drove you nuts.

"Eating sugar gives you nightmares," a familiar voice said.

Your eyes trailed up to meet Jinyoung's. He had a black suit on and his hand was extended out towards you as an offering for you to follow him.

You looked at his hand, clearly shocked at how he's here when Mark told you they were practicing nonstop the entire week. Eventually, you took his hand and he led you away from the giant building.

"Jinyoung, the ceremony is going to start soon..." you complained as he walked out towards the lake.

Jinyoung ignored your complaint and finally stopped beside a bench.

Surprisingly, your boyfriend was on the bench, sitting and reading a book, how ironic. 

"I thought you were practicing..." you trailed off as you took a seat beside him, while Jinyoung found his way back to the auditorium.

Mark chuckled and looked out at the body of water, "would you rather me practice than come see you graduate?"

You chuckle and shake your head, "no..." you confess. "I'm so happy you're here!" Your arms find their way around his neck.

Mark chuckled at how happy you were to see him. His hands slide around your waist and hug you back, giving you the support on a special day.

You pull away first and intertwine your fingers together, "come on! let me show you where everyone else is!" 

Mark followed right behind you as you walked inside the school and to the stadium. He spotted your family and friends, which made him stop in his tracks. "Wait," he said as he held you back. "Do I look good?"

You stop and examine his features before giving him a flick on his forehead. "When do you not look good, idiot?!" 

He quickly flinched and backed away from the abuse he was getting, "ouch! This is embarrassing!" He whisper-yelled. 

You just ended up giggling at the sudden shyness and nudged him to go to your family and friends. He quickly took the joke and went in that direction. 

You stood there and watched him walk over there. You waited until he sat down next to your parents before turning and going to sit where the other graduates were. 

Time quickly passed and the dean of your school called your name up. You could hear bambam out of everyone else that was clapping for you, it actually made you giggle as you took the diploma from him. You shook his hand and went to walk off the stage. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, your graduating class!" Your dean said and you all cheered for yourselves. Granted, you were going to school for another couple of years, but you were excited to put another diploma on your wall. 


Saturday, 7:55pm.

You: where did you go?

You: My parents said you went outside but I can't find you...

Mark: Wait by your car

Mark: I have a

Mark: surprise ;)

8:15 pm

You: Marrrrrkkkk

Mark: turn around


You slowly turned your head to see the boy driving up to you in his shiny red sports car. "When did you get this in America?"

Mark chuckled and unlocked the doors for you to get in, "no questions. Take your gown off and come with me."

The tone of calmness in his voice drove you crazy, but you still took your gown off and went with him. You had a peach-colored dress on that went to just above your knees. You did as you were told, not asking questions and just watching the road you both were on.

It started with a Dm. (Got7 Mark ff)Where stories live. Discover now