Chapter 1 - Welcome.

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Welcome to my life. My name is Ally Hipster, I'm 14 and I'm just a complicated wreck who doesn't expect anything good to happen to her, ever. I live in an adoption home and my nickname there is Bad-luck girl. And here at Hollygrey (Or should I say Hellygrey, I guess the graffiti on the entrance sign corrected me), we get our nicknames for a reason, including me. So far, I can't name a single thing that has gone right in my life. From when I first came out of the womb, which killed my mother, to my dad suffering from a drinking problem for the first 8 years of my life, to when I was then taken into care, to now. And all the little hell-like periods in between. Nothing. I don't really expect anything postitive to happen in the future either. I sometimes think, what does life keep from me that it gives every other little insignificant? Though, despite this, my mind doesn't think suicidal thoughts, there's no point to that either. I'm just gonna roll along every bump in the road of life until i reach the end. After all, you never know what might happen! Well, that's what I thought back then. Now it's a COMPLETELY different story. I'll start from the beginning, shall I?


"GUUUURRLLL YOU WORK IT" Taylor yelled, bringing every eye in the shop towards us. Currently, we were in birmingham, shopping with 2 best friends, Taylor and Carrie. At first, some people assume either me or Carrie are dating Taylor. But no, let's just say he's not into girls.

"Shut UP" I whisper-yelled. They had shoved me into a changing room with a tight black dress with a HUGE gaping hole in the back, and it finished just below my bum because I was going on a date with my boyfriend, Jack. "It's horrible and slutty! No WAY am I ever going to be seen in public in this!"

"But it shows off your curves so well, Ally!" Carrie whined, "Plus, he won't be able to stop looking at that bootayy" She sniggered.

"Ewww.... can I pick something else?" They both agree with a sigh and I change back into my own clothes. I continue to look at other dresses, most of them the same old mainstream sluttery. I brush my hand along each fabric before something catches my eye. Whatever it is it's navy blue and doesn't look too revealing. I take it off the rail and look. Wow, it's beautiful! It's a navy blue skater dress with lace and crystals around the neckline.... I have to try it on! I run back to Carrie and Taylor and once again I'm shoved into a changing room. Oh best friends, gotta love them. I put the dress on and it fits perfectly. This is definately it. It reaches about 3 inches above the knee and the lace with crystals doesn't go down enough to show any cleavage. This is more me! I walk out of the changing rooms smiling and my friends gasp at the sight.

"GUUUUUUURRRRLL" Taylor sceams at the top of his lungs, once again bringing all the attention towards us. Carrie swats his arm.

"This is it" I say, with a big grin on my face.

"That's it" They say in unison. Woah.... creepy! We walk up to the checkout and wait in the queue. My eyes glance out the shop window. What my eyes were telling me I refused to believe. No. No, this can't actually be happening. I'm dreaming. I saw Jack... kissing another girl. And that girl just happens to be Kate Newbold; the world's biggest slut and also my ex-best friend. We were inseperable when we were younger, but then she stole my first boyfriend, and rubbed it in my face. She then went on to embarrass me in front of the whole school and bullied me. I run out of the shop, dropping the dress to the floor. The hanger making contact with the floor making a loud smack, making them pull away. I stare at Jack with disbelief and sadness in my eyes.

"I... uhhh... I- I can.. expla-" He stutters, but I cut him off.

"How long" Is all I say.

"..... 7 months." He murmurs. Our relationship has only been going on 6 months, it was our anniversary date tonight. Kate just smirks at me.

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