Chapter 2 - The knock on the door

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"Come in!" I yell. It's probably evie, the owner, returning to yet again nag me about my eternally untidy room. But no. I see a boy with curly brown hair popped his head round the door. Oh wow. My mind is yet again playing tricks on me. I squint my eyes to try and work out if I'll embarrass myself by asking if it was him. But then he speaks.

"I see you like our music" My eyes widened and I whispered,

"What the hell is wrong with me?!"


"What? Oh nothing it's just.... are you... urhmmm... by any chance... Brad Simpson??"

"Yup" He says, popping the 'p'.

"What are you doing here?" I say, still in complete disbelief.

"Well, nice to know I'm welcome...." He says, pulling a fake hurt expression.

"No no no I mean, of all the places in the world, why did you choose to come to an adoption centre?!" Seriously though, he could be touring the world or whatever but no, he's here, with loads of annoying miserable kids begging for adoption.

"Same reason for what everyone else comes here for... we want to adopt someone!" He said, smiling towards the end. I choked on my own saliver.... wait, ew!

"We?! You mean the others are here??" He nodded. "Holy....."

"They're downstairs, trying to avoid the screaming 11 year-olds" He began laughing towards the end, as did I.

"So, why aren't you with them?" I ask. What, woah. Hooooolllld up a second. I'm having a normal conversation with Bradley Will Simpson. PINCH ME I'M DREAMING!! Then I felt a sharp pain in my upper arm.

"Owwwwww! What was that for?!"

"Nope, you're not dreaming!" Brad said, with a grin on his face. My face fell.

"Did I..."

"Yep" Oh great work Ally, thinking on the outside is a fabulous talent of yours.

"So your name's Ally? I'm Brad." I did it again.

"Guh, I did it again. And yep, I know!" I said, followed by a short silence, before I broke it. "So why aren't you with the others then?"

"I went to the loo and heard you singing our song, so I went to see who it was and why they weren't downstairs with the rest of the kids. You sound amazing, by the way!" HE SAID I'M GOOD AT SINGING OMGQBFLUEGOIDSHBDSJ. Okay, quit the fangirling. Not cool, Ally. Not cool.

"Well thanks! I vaguely remember Evie telling me something to do with people coming over to adopt, but I know that I will never get adopted though, never have, never will!" I said, giving a small sigh at the end.

"I'm sure the others would love to meet you!" He said.

"I'd love to meet them as well!"

"LEGGO!" Brad yelled and pulled me to the door, before I stopped.

"What?" He asked.

"What am I going to say?" I said, with a worried look on my face.

"I'll introduce you, you just say what ever comes to your head." He said, before opening the door and dragging me through it and down the stairs.

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