Keeping My Distance

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It's been about three hours since Kamar left the house, part of me was wondering whether he was coming back and the other part was hoping he wouldn't, I know that sounds harsh. Lying on the couch going through my tweets, I hear the door open and close. Kamar, I yelled out. but no answer. Kamar I call out again, but still no answer. So I begin to worry that it was a burglar, so I rush to the kitchen to retrieve a butcher knife from the drawer, making my way back into the living room and slam right into Kamar. You scared me, didn't you hear me when I called your name, I asked? What, He asked? Are you drunk, I asked? Of course not, he lied. Yeah, you are, you reek of alcohol, I said. Why shouldn't I Sherri huh, why shouldn't I, my wife tells me that I'm gonna be a dad and that she's not happy about it, he said slurring his words. I never said that Kamar, I said. You never said you were happy about it Sher, Sherri, he said sadly. Of course, I'm happy about the baby, I said caressing his cheek.  Are you sure about, about that, he said words still slurred. Of course, I am, I said smiling.  I just feel like it's not the best time that's all, I just started this new job, it's a lot of pressure that after the pilot on whether it will be picked up, I said. So what are you saying, you don't want the baby, you want to abort it, he asked? Of course not Kamar, that's not even an option for me, I said shocked that he would even think that. So you're telling me you want the baby Sher, he asked confused. Yes, honey, I just need to talk to Bradley and Peter about it, I said. Seeing the sigh of relief on his face, I felt so bad about how I made him feel. Kamar why don't you go sleep this off and I'll talk to you when you wake up, we have some decisions to make, I said. As he made his way upstairs. Sitting back on the couch, I noticed I missed a text message from Teri on my phone I had sitting on the coffee table. 

Teri- Hey Sherbear, just wanted to touch base on whether you will be coming over to my place this weekend. I invited some of our co-stars over for a little gathering.

Sherri- Oh hi Polo sorry I don't know whether I will be able to make it, Kamar and I have renovations being done on the kitchen and this is the only time we both will be able to go over the progress. Maybe next time.

Teri- Okay, can't say that I am not disappointed. Talk to you later then?

Sherri- Of course, wouldn't have it any other way bye

Teri- Bye


Really upset over Sherri not being able to come, makes me want to rethink this whole thing. Hey mama, what time will daddy be here to pick me up, Bailey asked? He's running a little late doodlebug jr, but he will be here, I said.  Okay, she said racing back to her room. Griffin had left about an hour ago to spend the weekend with his dad. So the house will be awfully quiet and lonely without the kids, one of the reasons for the gathering, I always have a hard time being alone. If I had my choice I would have just invited Sherri, but I know that would seem a little questionable. While deep in thought, I hear the doorbell, knowing it could only be Jamie. Opening the door as he makes his way in kissing me on the cheek like he always does, even though we aren't together no longer we always continue to stay friends. Bailey your dad's here, I yell. So how's it going Teri, have any plans for the weekend, he asked? Nothing exciting, I said. How about you, I asked?  Well, my girlfriend and I have plans to take Bay to Disneyland, he said. That should be exciting, she loves that place more than anything, I said, as I heard her coming down the stairs with her duffel bag in hand.  Hi daddy, she said hugging him. Hey baby, you ready for our weekend, he asked. Yep, bye mama, she said, as we rubbed noses as a form of affection that we do. Bye baby you have a good time, be on your best behavior now, I said sternly. I will, she said before making her way out the door. See you Sunday, Teri, he said. See ya, I said before closing the door. I knew I had a lot of planning to do before this shindig tomorrow, I still couldn't get out of my mind the real reason Sherri couldn't make it, I'm sure it has more than renovations to do with it, after all, I hadn't even mentioned the actual day and time. Being that this was not going to sit well with me I grab a hold of my phone and decide to call her. Two rings in she answers. Hi Polo what's up, she asked? What's up, is that all you have for me, Ms. Saum. What's the real reason you're not coming to the party, I asked? I gave you the reason, she said. You gave me a reason, what's the other reason, I asked? I don't know what you mean Teri, she said sounding angry. Oh, I'm Teri now, I said. Well, Teri is your name isn't it, she said. It is, but you only call me that when you're irritated with me, normally you call me Polo, so what's wrong, I asked. Nothing is wrong why can't we just leave it at that, she said. Because I am not one to back off when I know there is more to it than that, I said. Fine, you want to know, I don't think it's a good idea for us to be other than co-stars that's why she said before hanging up. What the hell, I said.

Sorry, it's been a minute, well more than a minute since I updated this story, hope you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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