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I finally arrived home couldn't get Sherri off my mind, but then there could be a reason for these feelings it has been a while since I've been in a relationship, Griffin and Bayley come an give me a hug, Griffin ask me mama did you get the job? Yes honey I got the job. Bailey says great. Has the babysitter fed you guys because it's getting late and it's time for you guys to get ready for bed. Yes she fed us, the babysitter comes from the kitchen, I pay her for her time and bid her good night.


Kamar comes downstairs when I arrive home and gives me a kiss on the cheek, he ask me on whether they cast my wife for the new series, I told him yes someone by the name of Teri Polo. So when will they start production he ask, I tell him in a couple of weeks; We start the table reading day after tomorrow I am so excited, it's not what I'm used to regarding the story line but I am really looking forward to it.


This day couldn't have come soon enough for me I just couldn't wait to see Teri again at the table read, I couldn't stop thinking about her ever since we first met; my heart always skips a beat everytime I think about her, for the life of me I can't even begin to understand what is going on with me regarding her.I haven't felt this way since, wait a minute I don't think I have ever felt this way, I don't think I have loved someone so much or thought about someone so much as Teri.


Leaving the house to head off to the studio for the table read. When I arrive everyone was there except Teri, a sadness flushed over me of the thought of her not being there. Everyone is sitting at their assigned spots at the table, and Teri's assigned spot was right next to me, everytime a hear a noise I look towards the door hopping it was her, then a feeling came over me before she arrived my stomach felt like a had a million butterflies in it when she sat next me, she smelled of freshly showered body that over came me with such ecstasy.


Arriving for the table read of a new tv series and seeing Sherri was the icing on the cake, I couldn't be more happy. Sherri made me feel so good not only was she nice to look at but she was the sweetest person in the world. I only wish she wasn't married, but I'm sure that her husband is a great guy, but I realized that I want her.


I couldn't help but notice Teri continually looking over at me, feeling awkward but at the same time flattered that she can't keep her eyes off of me. I have never in my life have ever been attracted to another woman, but Teri oh my God.


The day went off without a hitch, we got through the table read which was great but what wasn't great was departing from Sherri, Sherri would you like to join me for lunch, she accepted and decided to go to a restaurant just 10 minuted away from the studio.


Spending time with Teri was wonderful, she knows my weakness she knows how to make me laugh, I love this woman so much and it scares me how much, I tell you the truth if I wasn't married to Kamar I would definitely ask Teri out on a date. Teri and I finish our lunch and go our separate ways.


Waking up with Kamar next to me was sort of a disappointment since I had an erotic dream about Teri and I make passionate love, I go in to take a shower while Kamar is still asleep.


I wake up disappointed that Sherri was not next to me in bed, I had a hot dream about Sherri and I last night and knowing that she's at this moment waking up next to her husband; I have never been so jealous in my life wanting to be the one to wake up next to her.


Have a early morning doctors appointment, haven't been feeling my energetic self lately. Arriving back home from my doctors appointment to wait for the doctor to get in touch with me with my results. Kamar is out for a run when the doctor calls with the news, I get off the phone speechless

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