Chapter 12

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Jen's POV 

8 Months Later

It's fall already. My body is fully back in shape and Im a sexy motherfucker again. Even I see Harry staring sometimes. 

Today I have a lunch date. A late lunch date. Shame. Who invites on a late lunch? I dont wanna go. I prefer to go in the park with David and Harry. David is such a cutie. He can talk a bit. Just some words but he is so smart. 

"Come on Jen, the late lunch can turn in cocktails, then dinner and go really wild. If you dont like it you can go because it's just a late lunch." Harry says while dressing up David. 

"You have a point. But I really want to spend time with you, guys" I whine 

"Tonight I'll come over" he helps me to wear my coat. 

Harry's POV

I was pushing David's baby pram when suddenly I saw one so damn beautiful woman. So fucking sexy. She is walking a dog and now she's making him sit. 

"Go buddy. Be cute" I say to David and head to her.

"Look buddy! A dog! Yes, you like dogs" I play dumb

"Lets ask this beautiful lady if you can pet her dog" I say when we were 4foots far from eachother. 

"Dont fucking try to hook me up with a baby, you fucking cheater" she says 

"Uh? Oh no, Im free. I mean Im single" 


"Uh nope. I've never been married"  I reply

"Anyway. Can he pet the dog?" I change the topic 

"Of course. Nice kid by the way" she says and let the dog go closer to the pram

"Thank you. He's really cool" I smile

"But I dont like his nose" I add


"It's like mine. I dont like my nose" 

"Whats wrong with your nose? I think you have bigger problem with your ears" she giggles. 


Wait. What did she say? She has nice smile


"Im just kidding!" she let a laugh

"Why dont you like your nose?"

"I like it from the left side. But on the right.. I dont. Well that sounds pretty much like a gay" I laugh

"So you are a gay?" 

"No damn. Im not" 

"I see. Whats your name by the way?"

"Harry. Harry Connick junior" 

"Nice to meet you. Im Jill Goodacre" 

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