Vaizel Fighting Festival

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Sorry, but that part about getting King is long and boring. Y'all know how he got there. :(

"The Vaizel Fighting Festival? The hell is that?" I say, laying back on Chaos as he levitates in the air. Meliodas pours another Ale.
"All of the greatest fighters in the land gather here to show off their fighting skills for prizes," Meliodas says, taking a sip.
I sigh, picking under my nails. "So why're we going? It's not like we need it or anything."
Ban chimes in. "This year's prize is Gideon."
I sit up.
"Gideon? Diane's sacred treasure Gideon?"
He chugs the ale, then stands up. "Yup. Y/N, do you mind following me to the back really quickly? I need your help with something."

I stand up. "Chaos, stay here."
Really? Why do I have to? What are you guys-
I glare at him.
Of course, my love.
I follow him to the back with all the ale.
"Yes?" I ask, picking up a 1903 Britannia Blend and fiddling with it a bit.
He grabs my chin and has me look up at him. He grins. "What do you say we pick up where we left off? Become an official couple again?"
I tense up. I knew this was coming. "Ban,I-"

"WE'RE HERE!" Meliodas yells from the front.
I begin to walk away from Ban. I open the door. He grabs my wrist.
"We're gonna talk about this later, okay?" He looks down at me with pleading eyes.
"Woah," I exhale.
It's a bright day, the sun beaming down on the crowd. It's packed, with mostly large men. Mostly. Something catches my eye. A short statured figure wearing a purple cape and purple hat. It stood out like a sore thumb.
Suddenly, A short, helmeted man walks up to the center of the arena.
"First up is the elimination round! The referee will be your truly, Love Helm!"
Light murmurs erupted from the crowd.
Helm continues on. "The rules are very simple! Get your opponents out of the ring! The last 8 standing will participate in the finale!"
I step into the ring, along with about 30 other people.
"Go!" Love Helm exclaims.
Contestants around me instantly begin pushing and shoving each other,  the ring bustling with energy.
I feel a large hand on my shoulder. I turn around and look up.
A tall, burly man looks down at me.

"Heya. I think it's time for you to leave, dontcha think?" He grins at me.

I grab his wrist and sling him over my shoulder with ease.

I grin back. "Yeah, I don't think so."

I let go of his wrist and kick him out of the ring, and he lands in the surrounding crowd with a boom.


After throwing a few more people out of the ring, we're finally down to eight contestants: Me, Meliodas, Ban, King, the girl with the boar hat's uniform, and three other holy knights.

We all follow Love Helm to a hut behind the arena.

"When you signed us up, you used fake names, right?" King looks up at Ban.

Ban digs in his ear and flicks the earwax onto the ground. "Duh, Of course. I'm not stupid."

Love Helm hold up a list with the names.

"I will now announce the seedings for this year's Vaizel Fighting Festival! We will have Griamore versus Matrona! Then we'll have Taizoo versus Old Fart! After that, We'll have Howzer versus (idk make a name up sis.) And finally we'll have Baan versus Meliodaf!"

"Really? Baan and Meliodaf? That's all you could come up with?" I whisper to Ban. He shoots me a wink and a smile.

King laughs. "That's hilarious! Who's named Old Fart?"

Ban leans over. "Take a guess."

Suddenly, the tall guy with blonde hair, Howzer, I think his name was, steps over to us.

"Say... you guys look a lot like that Seven Deadly Sins group on the wanted posters." He says, looking us up and down.


"No we don't." I say. I instantly activate Mind Loop. "We have different names than them anyways."

As if a light switched on in his head, his eyes flickered in recognition. "You're right, you do have different names, what was I thinking? I'm sorry for bothering you guys."
He muttered to himself as he walked away, "They wouldn't be at an event like this anyways."

He turns back to me. "Cool armor, by the way."

"Thanks. Nice muscles, by the way." I reply.

Howzer's cheeks take on a bright crimson hue as he scratches the back of his head. "Heh, thanks. Can't wait to uhh...Can't wait to fight you out there! Do your best!" He jogs off. 

Ban rolls his eyes dramatically. "I hate that guy."


"The first round is about to begin! We'll have Griamore vs. Matrona!" Love Helm exclaims. 

Griamore and the girl wearing the Boar Hat uniform climb up on the the ring. 

I bend down to whisper in Meliodas' ear. "Is that Elizabeth?"

Meliodas thinks for a moment before responding. "Nope. The boobs are a little bigger and the butt is a little smaller."

Hawk shoots him a look of disgust. "You really are a perv, huh?"

The fight begins. 



I am so so so so so so sorry i havent uploaded in a long time, i-. im out of school now, so ill be more on the updates. 

P.S: Two new stories coming soon!!

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