Girls locker room

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This was my first gxg the names I use are my OCS  and are not real people- also this was my first one that I wrote 2 years ago..

    School was over for Rin, but she had to stay for help in one of her classes. After about thirty minutes she was done for the day. She still had about an hour and a half of practice so she might as well go to it right? She headed towards the locker room to change with her bags. If only she knew she was being followed
       Rin threw her bags down and started to change. The girl took off her boots, belt, then pants but that's as far as she got before she heard a voice.
     "Hey" The voice called. Rin knew the sweetness of that tone anywhere.
     "Shit, you scared me!" Rin yelled and went to cover herself. The other chuckles.  "I would stay to talk but I really need to get to practice..." She didn't think such a public place would be okay to do anything in
    "Judging by the text you sent me they won't be expecting you for another half an hour," The older one said with a smirk.
   "Well, I got done early" Rin tried to reason out. Now don't take this the wrong way. Rin loved some good fun but in the school locker room? The thought kind of scared her. She grabbed her black shorts to put them on.
   "That works out well doesn't it?" The other girl smiled and grabbed the shorts from Rin, throwing them back in her bag. She then got closer, pinning Rin to the locker lightly.
   "We could get caught!" Rin tried half-heartedly.  She knew Rin was putty in her hands as they went to the younger's waist.
     She chuckled again "That just makes it more exciting," she whispered into the others neck. She knew exactly where to touch to get the reaction she wanted but Rin was determined to not react. She stood still and stayed strong.
    " I know what you are doing stop testing me," she growled against Rin's collarbone. She let one hand roam down the younger's body to her butt and squeezed hard.
      Rin jumped slightly and bit her lip to stay quiet. In this time Rin had gotten closer to the other where their chests where pressed together.
     The other got tired of Rin's antics and grabbed her wrists, pining her to the lockers once again. They shake a little from impact but we're sturdy enough not to fall. It didn't hurt Rin but it made her heart rate spike.
    "Fuck" Rin whispered quietly. Small pants leave her pink lips caused by the surprise pinning.
   "Oh she talks!" The older grinned teasingly, going back to Rin's neck. She knew better than to leave marks so she just kissed it. She let one hand rub my inner thigh.
    A moan slipped past Rin's lips and she bit down on her lip hard to not let another one slip out. She smirked against the other's neck.
     "Such a beautiful voice you have you should use it more," she said cheekily. These words caused Rin to blush bright red. Rin was always a sucker for praises.
  Rin let's herself go and gives herself over to the other. Her body relaxed and the other knew that she had won.
    She kisses Rin with lust and passion. The kiss became rougher and deeper. She slid her hand up Rin's shirt and traced the outline of the younger's bra with her fingers.
  As the kiss went on they had to pull away to breath. Both panted lightly. Rin was starting to want the other to just take her already.
     All of a sudden the door could be heard opening. There was laughing but they were still behind a wall.
"Fuck," she said annoyed. She moved away from Rin but it was still easy to see that something was going on. Two girls walk in. "Oh my god we are so sorry!" One of the girls said.
   Rin blushed and looked down. "It's fine I was just trying to get ready for practice," Rin mumbled out shyly. They looked over at her.
    "I was helping" she winked at Rin. The older was always like that, cool and laid back. So... Perfect
   "Helping my ass" Rin grumbled. She gave her a look and Rin quickly looked away to find her shorts.
   "Well we are just going to go..." One of them said. Rin nodded her head in a goodbye way and put on her shin guards.
   "Why are you getting dressed? " she asked Rin, almost like they weren't just caught.
   "I have practice! " Rin hissed at her a little.
   "But we still have like an hour! " she said. Funny thing about teens. They are horny little fucks.
   "No, no more." Rin looked at her seriously then turned away to put on another layer of socks.
    "Ok, no more," she hummed while hugging the other from behind. Rin leaned into the touch. After Rin was ready to head over to practice she kissed her softly then made her way over.

Rin's coach told her to go home later because she couldn't focus.

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