The move (Fluff and pinning)

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This talks about mental disorders and breakdowns that many people can relate to-

Cassy sighed as she packed up the two lamps in the living room. She was stressed out about the move. Today she was moving into her girlfriend's house.
It was summer time and hot! With the temperature over 90 ° F. She had started packing a week ago but had work so she was too tired or busy to really pack much of her apartment.
Cassy was tired, hot, and over all miserable. Her girlfriend, Elpis, would be over at three to help her but it was only one pm now. She was so excited to move in with her two year long girlfriend but hated moving with a passion.
Her grip on one of the lamps slipped and the lamp landed with a crash. Pieces flew all over the front room. Cassy gasped and started to cry. The lamp wasn't an important one, one you would get at Walmart.
Cassy crouched down, hugging herself and sobbing. One might think that she was too emotional for crying over this but they don't know her.
Cassy has Generalized Anxiety Disorder. A normal thing in today's society but she also has histrionic personality disorder. Now most people don't know what that is so here is a definition. One with HPD tends to seeks attention, talks dramatically with strong opinions, is easily influenced, has rapidly changing emotions, and thinks relationships are closer than they are.
Now Cassy has struggled with both of these things for a long long time. It has caused broken hearts, lost relationships, and over all made her life much harder.
Cassy couldn't help but question if the relationship was real or her disorder, she has been fooled before. Was Elpis the one? All these questions and doubts filled her head. And now she was crying over a $25 dollar lamp that meant nothing to her.
"Come on Cassy get it together! " She cried in frustration now. She wiped the tears from her cheeks, smearing the writing on her wrists. Though the writing was smeared it was still readable, saying ' eat lunch' which she has forgotten and 'take breaks' which she had ignored.
Cassy couldn't even sit down because of the ceramic pieces all over the floor. She took deep breaths and closed her eyes. "Okay, okay. " She opened her eyes and started a cooping strategy that she had learned in therapy. "I see... Boxes, wooden floors, curtains, broken lamp pieces... And... " She looked around. "An empty book shelf. "
"I feel... The bumps on the walls" Cassy carefully walked over and touched the walls. "The lamp shade, the smooth door... And the carpet rug in front of the door. "
"I hear... " She closed her eyes. "Cars, people walking above me. " She closed her eyes tight, trying to hear one more thing. "And the fridge running. "
"I smell smoke from the fire up north, and... Cheap food from the stand. " She started to slowly relax. "And I taste dust" She giggled a little. "So much cleaning to do. Okay. " Cassy opened her eyes and grabbed a broom.
Cassy has always been strong. She had to be, even with Elpis she needed to still do things on her own. That's just the kind of girl she was.
She cleaned for another hour then sat down on the floor for a little while. She had to be out by 6 am tomorrow and wasn't planning on working all night.
At three Cassy had cleaned up the living room and just needed to clean the bathroom, the kitchen, and her old room. The door opened up and Elpis walked in with subway.
"Baby! Come eat! " The woman called out. She had already eaten but knew her Cassy didn't. Cassy was really bad about eating when she was stressed.
Cassy came out of the bathroom and smiled. "My hope! " She walked up and kissed Elpis. She grabbed the sandwich and hummed. "Thank you" She walked to go sit and eat.
Elpis took over the cleaning and hummed an old folk tale. Cassy listened and ate, not realising how hungry she was. Cassy was calm and happy now that her girlfriend was here and they were almost done.
Cassy told Elpis about her day and worries. She was very honest with her hope. It was part of Cassy, she was an open book.
"Baby... I love you with all my heart. And I understand that you have been broken hearted before but I can promise you. This is real. You and me? We are ride or die okay? I'm going to be there for you for the rest of our lives. " She kissed Cassy's forehead.
Cassy smiled, glad to hear the other say such soothing words. She teared up a bit and hugged the other. "Gods I love you so much" She smiled at her.

(I will come back to these two because I love them so much! -Badwolf)

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