Dominate (part 1?)

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    Tami kneeled on the bed, completely naked except for her leather collar. Her breath was ragged with anticipation. The female heard the front door creak open from the other side of the house. They really should fix that.
    She shook her head. No need to worry about that at the moment. This was a scene and all she needed to worry about was pleasing her partner and being obedient. They didn't do this too often, about once a month so she wasn't going to ruin it by thinking about other things.
      It felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest. The brunette rubbed her spread thighs for a moment out of nervousness then returned them to behind her back. Tami always was nervous when a scene first started, afraid of doing something wrong.
    She heard the door handle twist open and she quickly brought her chin down to her collar bone, keeping her eyes down. It was a sign if complete submission and trust.
   Her partners footsteps could be heard, getting closer to the bed. Tami sucked in a breath quietly. The bed dipped slightly as the other leaned against it to get to her.
    Hands came into Tamis sight and a finger touched her lips before slowly traveling down her body to her navel. Her piercing was tugged lightly and played with. Tami made no sound as she was told earlier.
    The fingers slid further down, inches away from her sex. A whimper almost left Tami's lips without her permission when the hands left her body.  She resisted the temptation to turn as watch the other as her partner got undressed from their work clothes.
  The bed dipped once again and Tami could feel the others bare breasts against her back. The dominate slipped her hand under her chin and tilted her head back, tongue dancing across the sensitive skin of her neck.
   Tami let her eyes close as she enjoyed the attention. The woman nips at the scars that she had left on the brunette's neck, causing her to shutter.
   The other let out a chuckle into her skin. She sounded quite amused. Her other hand moved to Tami's left breast, massaging it. She pinched and twisted at the nipple, making Tami arch. The pain shot sparks straight to the brunette's core.
   Her hand that was on Tami's china moved down to her neck, tightening a little. The younger swallowed thickly, trying not to moan. The other woman's hands dropped to her side.
"Turn, " She commanded. The voice sounded like what good bourbon tastes like. It sent tingles down Tami's spine and made her take a deep breath.
   Tami turned to face her, making sure not to change her position much. The woman caressed her cheek smiling at her a little. It was warm and gave Tami butterflies. Even in scenes like this the other could still show love. The older pulled her into her lap.
    She straddled the others thigh and waited for a command.  The older's hands stroking her thighs as she watches for a reaction, knowing that Tami wouldn't be able to go much longer with the teasing. It became apparent to Tami that her partner wanted to punish her.
    Tami looked around the room, at anything but the other. The woman chuckled, the kind that made the hair on the back of one's neck stand up. One that meant excitement and danger.
    The older leaned back, now flat on the bed and pulled her forward to where she was on the others sex. The woman grinned at Tami and she looked away without thinking. The other growled and grabbed her chin and yanked it back to look back at her.
    " No, look at me" She ordered and Tami quickly did just that, looking into the others eyes. The other raised her hips to grind into the brunette.
   Tami bit the inside of her cheek and her face heated up. She made it until the other started to leave scratch.  She let out a whimperish moan.
   "Awe, come on Vixen. That's all you could take? " The woman flipped them over. "We didn't even get to the good part~" The other all but purred. The older leaned over Tami and bent down, biting her neck roughly.
    Her mouth opened but not a sound left her. Her right hand moved without her permission and went to the back of the others head. Her body arched and she bucked her hips.
    The woman grinned as she worked on littering Tami's skim with love bites. The other was very territorial and loved others know know who Tami belonged to.
    "Hm, what should I use on toy today my little fox? " The other asked and nipped roughly at her thigh. Another whine like moan left her lips.
    "Oh yes, you need to be punished for going against an order. " The older smiled wickedly. Tami's ass clenched a little, knowing what that meant  for her.
    The other got up and went to the punishment drawer which had every sexual punishment item that they could ever need. After the woman got  what she wanted she sat on the end of the bed.
    "Come, " The other commanded and Tami got up, going to her lap. She laid across it and waited for impact. This was Tami's normal punishment, honestly it was more of a fun activity for her to get the ball rolling.
   "Count" The other ordered. Tami heard it before she felt it. The familiar sharp sting filled her body, shooting sparks back down. She gasped before she spoke for the first time since the other has gotten home.
   "One! " Her voice was slightly high pitched at the moment. Another one came across her ass. "Two! " This time  moan left her as well. Another. "Three" She moaned out.
   "Good girl ~ Now, get back on the bed and let's start the fun stuff" The woman smiled.

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