Better Safe Than Sorry

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The next morning, Mari was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of coffee, when someone knocked on her front door before the door opened, admitting Happy Lowman. She quirked a brow at the frown on his face.

"Well, come right on in. Don't stand on ceremony."

The corner of his lip tweaked into a small smile before the frown was back in place. "Chibs sent me to check out how secure this place is. So far, you're failing." He shut the door and pointed at the lock. "These work, I would assume."

Mari grinned and nodded. "Yup, they're in working order."

He shook his head, sliding the toothpick in his mouth from one side to the other. "Then use them."

Mari sighed. "I can't tell you the last time I actually locked a door or window. Probably when I was in Tacoma."

Happy nodded as he walked past her to the coffee pot, pouring himself a cup before returning to the table. "Yeah, well this ain't some little town in Bum Fuck Egypt. The club has plenty of enemies that won't have a problem snatching one of the old ladies. Learn to lock your doors."

"I'm not an old... " Happy glared at her over the rim of his cup and she sighed. "Ok, lock the doors. Got it."

Happy nodded. "He wants me to check the back door, windows, and garage also. Plus if you have a basement with an outside entrance. You know the drill. Better safe than sorry."

Mari nodded. She did indeed know the drill, she'd just forgotten about it in the years she'd been unaffiliated with the club. "No basement, but there is a shed out back that I'm going to use as a shop as soon as I get set up. If you want to secure that, it would be appreciated." He nodded as she leaned forward a little. "Hey, Hap... you'd be square with me if I asked you something, wouldn't you?"

He nodded. "I don't bullshit, Mari."

She nodded, looking down at her hands on the table before speaking. "What kind of man is Chibs?"

Happy thought about it for a moment before answering. "He's as solid and loyal as they come. Is he a good man?" He shrugged. "None of us are good men, Mari."

Mari snorted and shook her head. "And I thought you didn't bullshit, Happy." When he frowned, she leaned closer, an intense look on her face. "You're all good men, you just believe in doing things your own way. When J.T. and Piney started The Sons Of Anarchy, it was so they could live and work beside men with a common goal. Absolute freedom from government and social norms and the ability to live life the way they wanted." She pointed a finger at him. "You're all good men, you just believe in anarchy." She shrugged and grinned. "Your thoughts on women's roles within the club may be archaic, but you'll get there."

Happy grinned and nodded. "I think what you want to know is if Jesse would approve of Chibs for you." When she nodded, he continued. "Yeah, he would. He'd like Chibs."

Mari nodded. "Thank you."

Happy nodded as he stood. "I'm going to check that shed out then head to TM. You go anywhere, you lock the fucking door, Marianne."


After lunch, Gemma and Mari were walking around town eating ice cream cones when Gemma looked at her. "So, what do you do for work? I know you help Janice out, but that can't pay the bills."

Mari chuckled. "Maybe I'm a stripper." When Gemma rolled her eyes, Mari elbowed her and giggled. "I'm a glass blower."

Gemma looked at her like she was crazy. "And there's money in that?"

Mari nodded. "Oh yeah. There's a pot shop in Lodi that displays my glass work. I sell out regularly, especially around Christmas."

Gemma shook her head. "I didn't see that coming."

Mari chuckled. "I learned when I lived in Georgia. I actually have to make a run to Oakland later for supplies to set up the new shop in the back of the house."

Gemma eyed her. "By yourself?"

Mari rolled her eyes. "Yeah, by myself. Good lord, where were you when I was traipsing all over the U.S.? I'm a big girl, capable of handling her shit."

Gemma chuckled as she threw an arm around Mari's shoulders. "Chill out, girlfriend. I guess I'm starting to sound like the guys."

Mari shook her head. "See, I did not miss that. Why do they think they have to know what we're doing at all times? I mean, I get that there's a certain amount of danger that comes with our lives more than the average person, but come on. Happy just came strolling into the house this morning as if he lived there."

Gemma shook her head and sighed. "They're overprotective but you'll just have to get used to it again." She groaned as she looked ahead of them. "Speaking of reasons that they're overprotective."

Mari looked and saw a group of men walking their way, the one slightly ahead of the other two stopped and smiled at Gemma, who just looked at him with a blank expression on her face.

"Good afternoon, ladies. Gemma, you're looking wonderful today. Who's your lovely friend? I don't think I've seen her in town before."

Gemma sighed. "Hi, Ernest. This is Marianne."

He smiled and Mari had to suppress an unpleasant shiver because the smile didn't reach his eyes. He took her hand and she almost pulled away out of instinct but told herself to hold still. 

"You are absolutely beautiful, Marianne. It's a real pleasure to meet you. Maybe I can show you around town sometime."

Mari plastered a fake smile on her face and nodded. "That sounds great."

As he nodded at both of them and walked on, Gemma looked at her. "I don't like the way he looked at you. If you ever see Ernest Darby coming your way again, you run the other way as fast as possible."

Mari nodded before they started back toward Gemma's car. She'd have no problem agreeing to that. She had a feeling that he was no good.

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