Chapter 1 - Bobby [Secret Communication]

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"Bobby" you whispered trying to see if he was awake.

Bobby didn't move a muscle. He had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for you. One hand rested under his head, acting like a pillow, while the other laid on his abdomen.

You crouched down beside the couch to watch him closer. As he slept his face was similar to that of a child. He seemed so sweet and innocent that it made you want to watch over and protect him.

As soon as he began to snore you knew he was truly in a deep sleep. "You must be really tired." With one hand you began tidying up the hair that fell on his forehead by sweeping it to the side. It seemed to lull him deeper into sleep because his hand suddenly slid down onto the couch. His phone was left untouched and rose with every breath he took.

Without even giving it a second though your hand reached for the phone.

"What are you doing" Bobby angrily asked as he yanked his phone out of your hand.

"I was going to put your phone on the table so you wouldn't drop it." With this he let you go. You stood up massaging the part of your wrist where Bobby had held you.

Bobby sat up shaking his head. "Sorry." He apologized but it didn't seem sincere. That's because he was sorry for hurting your wrist but not for stopping you from getting his phone.

"It's fine" you shook off the strange encounter. "Why did you fall asleep in the middle of the day anyway? Are you still feeling sick?" You were worried about his health and placed your hand on his forehead.

"I'm fine!" He pushed your hand away irritated by his own lies.

Enough was enough, this time you let your emotions out. "What's wrong with you Bobby? All I wanted to do was help!" You got up and retraced your steps to the door.

Last night you and Bobby were supposed to go out on a date but he canceled because he was feeling feverish. Now here you were trying to be a good girlfriend and check on him but he lashed out at you.

"Y/N wait!"

You heard his steps get closer but you didn't listen to him and continued to put your shoes on.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going home."

When you went for the door handle Bobby embraced you from behind. He put his arms around your chest and pulled you against his. "I'm sorry, don't leave. I'm just being moody because of this headache."

"Headache?" still in his arms, you made enough room to turn and face him. "You still don't feel well?"

"Not really" he sighed.

"Then why did you accept to go out with me today?"

"I didn't want to let you down twice." His voice lowered as his eyes softened giving you a look of concern. "I don't want you to think something else is going on."

"That's-" you stopped wavering. That thought was always in your mind, especially when he refused your offer to come care for him last night. But you tried to suppress it. It was better if you didn't think about his infidelity.

Letting go of your previous frustrations you visibly relaxed in his arms. Bobby wanted to make sure he had put you at ease but you wouldn't raise your head. "Baby, it's okay." He knew there was something on your mind.

"Why didn't you want me to come last night?"

"I didn't want you to get sick." He kissed your forehead. "Even now I want to kiss you but I don't want you getting sick."

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