Chapter 9 - B.I [Drunken Love]

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After seeing Habin loosen up with his third drink in hand Bobby decided it was a good time to tell him about you. "I have a surprise for you," Bobby shouted over the music so Hanbin could hear him. He knew Hanbin was recently becoming some lovesick idiot who tried too hard to make his crush notice him. That's why he decided to help him by getting him to meet you in a relaxed environment. "Y/N is coming with her friends to join us."

"What?!" Hanbin felt a sudden acceleration of his heart. He wasn't sure if it was because of Bobby's news or because the buzz was starting to kick in. "Why is she coming here?"

"I invited her," Bobby gave a sly smile.

"I don't believe you." Hanbin didn't think you liked him because of the way you continuously avoided him. "She wouldn't come."

"Look over there" Bobby pointed at the entrance where you and your friends were being let in.

Hanbin's jaw dropped seeing you make your way through the sea of people in a short black dress. He couldn't believe you were really there. "I thought she didn't like me."

Bobby took a step back, "I don't know anything about that but if you really want to know then maybe you should do something.

Hanbin slammed the small glass onto the table after downing its contents. He was glaring holes in the back of Donghyuk's head as he danced with you. Donghyuk had no problem asking you to dance because he was only looking at you as a friend but Hanbin had some other feelings. Right now he was jealous that Donghyuk was enjoying your company instead of him.

"Just go" Bobby shouted so Hanbin could hear him over the loud music. "If you want to dance with her then do it." Hanbin hadn't told him about his feelings towards you but it was all too obvious by the way he glanced at you.

"It's not that easy."

"Yeah it is, just watch." Bobby stood up ready to go change places with Donghyuk to prove a point but Hanbin placed his hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"You know what I mean."

"Do I?" Bobby asked playfully. He wanted Hanbin to tell him exactly what was going on.

Jinhwan had just gotten back from the bar with some more shots. Hanbin needed some liquid courage and took one before admitting to Bobby. "I like Y/N more than a friend."

Bobby laughed seeing Hanbin reach for another drink in frustration. "I know, I just wanted to show you that you can say it. Now repeat it to her."

You stopped dancing when you saw Hanbin take two consecutive shots. Concerned about his well being you asked Donghyuk to stop. "Donghyuk my feet hurt, why don't we rest for a moment."

"Okay" Donghyuk followed you back to the booth where Hanbin, Bobby, and Jinhwan were talking to some of your friends. "Go ahead" Donghyuk let you slide into the booth first.

Your eyes met Hanbin's for a second as he realized you would be sitting next to him. "Thank you" you slid into the booth and continued until you were side by side with Hanbin.

Bobby watched in amusement as Hanbin began to stiffen up. It was like he didn't know how to act around you. "So Y/N you having fun?" Bobby decided to give Hanbin a push. "Hanbin here hasn't stepped out of the booth."

"Why not?" you asked Hanbin.


"We were playing this really fun drinking game. Do you want to play with us?"


Hours later you saw everyone out on the dance floor except Hanbin. He was fighting the urge to fall over. His head almost slammed into the table but you caught him just in time. "Hanbin are you okay?" There was no coherent response, you were starting to worry that perhaps he had drunk too much. You propped him up against you and laid his head on your shoulder to stop him from falling and hitting his head.

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