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Loki x Reader (Prologue. Parts, I haven't planned yet!)
Cold body, Cold heart.

Authors Note: I'm trying something new, Loki related fics! I might do a few others too, like Cap, Bucky, Tony at a push, and of course Nat! This is only a small story, but a feel free to ask for another, or to continue my Levi x Readers. Or both!
This may contain spoilers, I honestly don't know yet, and maybe a cuss here and there! But without further ado, let's continue!

"(Y/N), file 73.271. Gender: Female. Species: Frost Giant. Subject Number: 97. Family: Deceased. Home Planet: Johtunheim. Breathing Pattern: Unst-"
"Subject 97 has awoken, sir."
"Good. Send for Nick Fury."

~Small Time Skip (I'm already excited and haven't written that much!)~

"What was so important that it had you send for me at 5:56 in the morning, Professor?" The Agent queried, his eye scanning the man for any sign of hesitation, or doubt.
"Well, Fury, I thought you'd like to see this," He answered vaguely, only to turn and point towards a towering, transparent glass cell, a minuscule figure curled up in the centre.
"And what's that, or will I have to go in and see it myself?" Nick interrogated, his patience thinning significantly. The Professor only shook his head, pointing a gnarled finger back at the silhouette. Sighing, the one-eyed man opened his mouth to retort, before turning his attention to the subject at hand. The, what appeared to be, human began mutating, her skin turned a deep aqua blue, limbs growing along with the rest of her body, rapidly strengthening her muscles. Her hair, which was once a breath-taking (H/C), now turning a vibrant blood red, to match her slowly opening eyes. Knuckles, knees, and elbows all began to produce sharp, pointed ridges, along with many intricate swirls and patterns, the dark markings taking up both of her cheeks and just above her eyebrows. Standing up silently, the female's piercing glare roaming over both of the male's amazed and, in the professor's case, scared expressions.
"This. Now, this was worth it."

At a height of thirty meters tall, it was hard when you were trying not to draw attention to yourself. Which is when you discovered you were able to turn yourself smaller and change your appearance, with the help of some magical book you'd found, which had spells of all sorts in it. You smoothed out your rough edges, and took away your marks, replacing them with soft, (S/C) skin. And to blend in with everyone else, you changed your long, rose red hair to a less noticeable (H/C). You shortened your height to a rather small 4'8, as opposed to your Johtun form, being, by far, the tallest out of the lot. You were a respected leader from Johtunheim, very close to the throne, but due to not wanting to be the person to create the wars you'd eventually one day lose, you ran away, to what you thought was safety. Although, as you may be able to tell, that was the complete opposite of what had happened. In your human form, you're able to form your own clothes by magic, much like your Frost Giant form, besides the fact that it was less fancy, more casual style, as not to stand out.

"This is Subject 97, her name is (Y/N)."
By the sound of my name, I shifted my soft gaze over to my two visitors. "To whom do I owe the absolute pleasure of meeting?" I asked kindly, my smile not quite reaching my eyes.
"I'm Director Nick Fury, please feel free to call me Fury, and this is my friend, let's call him 'The Scientist.' Now, I assume the Scientist would like me to take you off of his hands after his test results come back. I can always explain who my colleagues and I are on the way. Now, if you'd kindly turn back and calmly come with us, that'd be appreciated. Sir, if you need anything else... Just send a letter to Congress."
Transforming back into a small female human, I hold out my wrists, but Fury just shook his head. "I'm sure we won't need to do that, besides, if you turn in the Chopper, we all die."

After a short walk to, what I now know as a Heli-Pad, I look to see a large, motorised vehicle, with spinning blades, which seemed to be able to turn the contraption airborne. Examining the wall, I read a questionable abbreviation. "S.H.I.E.L.D?"
"Come in, (Y/N), have a seat. We are all apart of New York's... Let's say we're a protection programme. We're agents who protect and serve the world from, perhaps stronger enemies than the police may be able to deal with or know about. People, regular everyday humans are recruited for their extraordinary capabilities, while others are too, but not as human as the rest of us, much like you (Y/N). Then, there's always the downside. We keep prisoners far too strong for the C.I.A contained within the base, including the Asgardian demi-God, Loki Laufeyson. He is the son of a Frost Giant but was supposedly shunned and left alone because of his shamefully small stature. Especially for a Johtun. You have been deemed as a possible threat to everyone, which is why you had to be sedated, yet by the looks of things, it's clear your intentions aren't to take over the world, or even the Universe. Now, any questions?" Nick explained, seeming as though he had revised that multiple times over. I nod softly,
"Who else is in this establishment? You did say there were other, not-so-human people here, so what's there aliases?" I queried, tilting my head slightly.
"Glad you asked, (Y/N)," The man commented, "Not all of them are as sharp and quick to catch on as you have proven yourself to be. There's Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Spider-Man, Vision, Doctor Stephen Strange, The Winter Soldier, Falcon, Blank Panther, Scarlet Witch, Hulk And Thor, I'm sure you two will be able to get over your differences, just don't destroy Avengers Tower in doing so. There are some more, but these are the main agents, the other's do less threatening side missions.
Oh, don't worry, not all of these agents live in the same tower, however I will need to call a conference to introduce you to them at once, it'd be weird having a strange motherfucker walking around a tower of superheroes."
I thought over the names, some I'd recognised, but memorising them just in case. I nod once again, taking it all in. Pausing, I look out of the open door, gazing at the distant towers. "Where was I found, Sir? I'm sure I didn't just fall out of the Sky."

Fury sighed, pinching his nose, brows furrowed. "You see, (Y/N), that's actually what had happened. We assume that you'd been travelling between Universes and Dimensions, however, something must've gone wrong, and you fell out of the Bifrost. If you find any flaws in my statement, feel free to correct me," He explained, elbows planted on his knees, chin resting on his interlocked fingers. Thinking back to what I had previously been doing before ending up tranquillised in a holding cell, I shifted around the seat, turning my body to watch the world passing by from under us. 'Yes, I was travelling the Bifrost, but something interrupted it, a green and black figure... But it must depend on how long ago his capture was...'
"Nick, when was Loki caught?" I questioned, thinking over my theory in my head, becoming more and more certain.
"Late last night, you were found only three days prior. If I'm correct, you were thinking it was Loki that caused the disruption? I have to say, it's not entirely impossible. He has been off the radar recently, up until yesterday. We may need to interrogate him when we arrive. Thank you for telling me your suspicions, (Y/N). On the other hand, most of my agents, besides the God's of course, have cover names. If you'd like one, let me know, unless you'd like to be like the Thor, which can also be arranged."
Time passed slowly, but not tediously. By the end of the ride, I was holding on to the side of the, what the Midgardian had called, helicopter, my unoccupied arm outstretched, as a small fraction of delight made its way onto my face. I hadn't felt so free since I was last able to ride Magnhild. It was my natural form of transport, like what I've heard called a surf board, but slightly more complex. It was a layer of ice in the form of an oval, thin, as to slice through the air without too much resistance, yet sturdy enough to hold a Jotun's ice-form. If you're fortunate enough, you will be born with one. They're handmade and personalised for the person who it has been assigned to. Mine is able to shift when I shift, so I'm not standing on an ill-fitting block of ice. Much Like Thor's hammer, I can summon it whenever I'd like, unless it's broken, and, due to its strengthened base, I can use it like a shield, similar idea to Captain America. Suddenly yearning for the weight of Magnhild on my back, I hold my hand up to the Sky, slowly pulling my shield towards me. A blur in the distance, the ice expectantly flings itself towards me, shrinking itself and landing in my hand as its done a million times before.

It's hard to ignore the suspected gun placed only inches away from my skull, especially as I turn around, the ice pinched between my index and middle finger. "My shield, and former mode of transport, Magnhild. You can calm down, Sir, useful for defence and travelling, of course, attacking? Not so much." Smiling convincingly, I put the board in my jean's back pocket, pulling the edges of my (F/C) hoodie down below my lower back. I look down at my (S/F/C) Converse through my plain black glasses, and although I didn't particularly need them, I thought they seemed cute, along with my messy (H/C) bun, stray hairs falling down behind my ears, framing my face satisfyingly.
"Next time you summon your board, warn me, you had me scared that I'd have to bury you six feet under," Fury snapped, sitting back down on the installed seats. Rolling my eyes, as I've seen a few humans do, I sit down on the floor, my legs dangling over the side, feeling as though the wind could carry me away. Well, I assume it could, Johtun shape-shifters are generally quite light in their 'human' form, definitely lighter than the average Midgardian.

"(Y/N), we're here." The voice sliced through my thoughts like a hot knife cutting through butter. Sighing exasperatedly, I turned to the Director, asking, "Is Thor on a mission?". Almost immediately, the helicopter hit a rough patch of turbulence, in which Nick fell to the side, and I rolled backwards slipping out of the open door. Spinning and turning mid air, I slowly gathered my bearings and reached into my back pocket, grasping Magnhild tightly and flinging her away, the magnet like attraction we had only bringing her back towards me. Tilting my body straight, I brace for impact. Time slowed; the helicopter gained control; my feet met solid ground. "By Odin's beard, I thought it wasn't going to work!" I whisper, steering the board upwards, towards the airborne machine. Meeting Fury eye to eye, I nod a small greeting before flying off, the building, labelled with an 'A', catching my attention, as I dive down on to the heli-pad, with no sign of stopping. Relishing in the feeling of being free, I frown a few seconds after, almost having forgotten my temporary placement. Freezing in my tracks, I hover for a minute, my head drooping, my eyes cast to the floor.

Putting on a half-hearted smile, I jump off of Magnhild, the miniaturised disk flying towards my outstretched hand. An idea struck me, and while I waited for the others, I sat down and began working on it. I slowly formed a basic ring, a small gemstone slot in the middle, perfect for my bond. The jewelry formed in my palm, shining brighter than the gold of Asgard. Grinning proudly, I place it on my middle finger gently, admiring it smugly. 'One of a kind.'
Magnhild floated towards it, resting itself in the centre, a jewel about the size of a small hail stone.

The helicopter, as loud as silence, slowly maneuvered itself onto the pad, hovering above the ground ever so slightly before landing, the wheels pressed firmly against the cement roof. Almost immediately, the side door slid open, and Nick Fury stepped out, accompanied by two Agents. "I'm sorry to have to do this (Y/N). Agents, get her," He spoke, pulling out his own weapon. I laughed to myself, running to the edge of the railings and jumping off, transforming mid flight, landing on the streets of New York in my Johtun form.

"I'm sorry Nick, but it seems the target has escaped, should I send for the Avengers?"
"Yes, and tell them to bring Loki, he can choose whether or not to redeem himself by assisting us in her capture."

Cold body, Cold heart (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now