~Chapter Twenty~

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I was awake at nine Sunday morning. I had a date today? Wow. That's terrifying. I looked at my phone, with a text from Lauren. Heard you have a date... I'm awake already. Let me know if you need help. I smiled and saw the text was sent five minutes ago. I was getting picked up at eleven. I texted Lauren back. Yeah... I've never had a love life and this is the first date of my life. I sent it and got an instant reply. Skype.

I smiled and Skyped Lauren. "Okay, first thing. Who and where?" Lauren asked.

"Um..okay. As for who, it's Clark don't tell a soul. He said according to his text like a movie and food," I replied.

"Cool. So something that makes you look hot as fuck but still casual. Hey I'm outside can I come in?" Lauren asked, "I figured you would need help."

I was taken aback. "Okay. I'll let you in," I said. I hung up the call and padded to the entryway. After turning off the alarms, I let Lauren in and locked the door behind her. We went back into my room and Lauren began tearing through my closet.

"You own a shit ton of crop tops," Lauren noted. I nodded.

"Yeah. It didn't get super cold in Australia, except for like June, July, and August. And then in LA, summer never ends. If you think this is a lot, Darren is stuck with a lot more," I said.

"Okay. So. This one's cute. Why don't you try this one with this skirt?" She tossed the items onto the bed.

"Look the other way," I said, quickly changing. "Okay, here it is."

"Yes! Now we decide on shoes!" Lauren said excitedly. She looked at my small collection. "Um, yeah, these will work."

I slipped on the flats and did a few stretches. "Yeah. Thanks, Lo!"

"We're not done yet! Can I do your hair and makeup?" Lauren squealed. I smiled, unable to resist.

"Yeah. But nothing crazy," I said, sitting down on my bed. Lauren sat across from me as I handed her my tiny makeup bag.

"Alright, alright. Let's do this!" Lauren looked through my bag.

I wasn't allowed to see what she had chosen. As she was doing something to my hair (with no heat. My hair is wayyy too dry.), I asked her some questions. "So, what should I say without being super flirty or super boring?"

"Well, ask about his day because that's the nice thing to do. After that, um, I don't know honestly. Maybe about yourselves. Do you play any instruments or sing?" Lauren asked.

"I play keyboard and I can't sing," I said.

"Talk about that. But, I think you're done. Check yourself out," Lauren said, handing me my phone, already on front camera. I looked at myself. My makeup was natural, complete with a light pink lip. Lauren had done my hair in a reverse braided bun.

"Wow," I whispered, turning my head every which way to see every angle. "Lo, I love it."

"Good. Now go eat something. If you don't mind, I'm going to invade on your breakfast," Lauren said, coming out of the room with me. We headed towards the kitchen where some eggs were being served.

"Hey, Lo. When did you come in?" Meredith asked.

"Like an hour ago. I'm going to run. Joey and I are going to go to the park," Lauren said. We all hugged her goodbye and continued on our breakfast.

Once breakfast was finished, I had fifteen minutes to kill. My phone started buzzing, so I picked up on Darren. "Are you there yet?" Darren asked me. I sighed.

"No. I'm getting picked up in fourteen minutes and you aren't threatening him this soon!" I exclaimed.

"I know you two aren't dating, but I don't want you to get hurt. I worry for you," he said.

"I know you do. Let me have some independence. If it makes you feel better, I'll tell you everything," I said gently.

"That'd be great. Now, be nice and keep your limits. How much time now?" Darren asked. I glanced at my phone.

"Twelve. Be patient," I said.

"I literally cannot be. I'll hang up and you call me the minute you get home, okay?" Darren asked.

"I got it. Love you, DareBear."

"Love you too, Luna."

"Wait, Darren?"


"I miss you," I said.

"I miss you, too. But don't worry. I'm just a call or a text away," he said. I heard talking in the background. "Yeah, so I'm at work and I have to go. Chris says hi and I'll call you later."

"Bye DareBear! Tell Chris I say hi back!" I exclaimed. I glanced at the clock after hanging up. Five more minutes. I had stayed on the phone just with the comfort of Darren. Robert marched in.

"Okay, what's going on today?" He asked me, sitting on the bed next to me.

"You know perfectly well," I said.

"I had no idea your date was in five minutes. I don't want to know how you feel. I just want you to know that I'm always here for you, especially if he is mean to you. Set boundaries. Stay safe and have me on speed dial," he said. I nodded and looked at the time.

"I'll see you later. I love you," I said to him, kissing his cheek and hugging him tight before going outside. This had to be a date conducted in secrecy. A difficult thing to do, but possible nonetheless. I found Clark at the end of the block.

"Hello," he said, holding me close and kissing my forehead.

"Hi," I said, letting myself remember everything about him that I loved.

"Well, you're good walking, right?" He asked me. I nodded and took his hand. "Well, let's do thing number one which is the movie! You just ate, right?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Good. Because I did too and now I'm not hungry. Let's begin on our trek," he said, leading me to the nearest movie theater. It was a short walk and we tried to have a long conversation, but we both lacked those skills.

We finished the movie and eating at around three. Neither of us were quite ready to talk to anyone else, so we found a park and sat down at the swings. "I really liked today," I said, breaking the silence that had grown between us.

"So did I," he said. He swung a bit. "What were your first impressions of me in three words?"

"Um, attractive, intimidating, and quiet," I said, looking at his face. "And for me?"

"Shy, nerdy, awesome," he smiled. I grinned back.

"I'm flattered," I said.

"As am I," he replied, standing up and taking my hand. I stood up next to him. I'm not sure what happened next or who closed the gap. All I know is that I opened it as tears slipped from my eyes. "What's wrong?"


Disclaimer: I only own Luna and the plot line. In this story, I portray people as fictional versions of themselves.

Chapter 2/3 for today!

--Luna :D

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