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An array of clothes were scattered against the floor until finally Violet decided on the simple white button up dress she rarely ever wore. Her hair was styled in a half-up half-down bun and flowed against her back in beach waves. The look was finished off with nude wedges adorning her feet and minimum accessories.

Her attention was directed to the coruscating flicker on her bed. After reading the screen she gathered her things and went downstairs to feed Remy before exiting her loft.

She pushed pass the black metal gates and made it to the sidewalk before scanning her surroundings. When she didn't see the tall handsome Italian man in sight she furrowed her brows and reread the text he sent earlier.

The essence of fall lingered in the air and its shadows casted in the street lights above. With a slight breeze nipping at her exposed skin Violet pondered over the thought of a jacket.

She wandered away from the drunkard who kept asking her for spare change and checked the clock on her phone.

"Right here," a voice called in front of her just as the clock read eight.

In his maroon fitting shirt, leather jacket, jeans, and a coppola Giovanni looked like red wine.

"Sorry about that. I made the wrong turn," he explained as she shifted to put on her seatbelt.

"No worries. So where are we going?"

"Where's the fun in me telling you?"

Violet huffed and rolled her eyes as she turned to glance out the window. Soon or later their location will give way to where their destination might be.

"How was your business trip?"

Gio made a turn down a narrow street before answering. His response was vague and monosyllabic. Violet was hoping he would say more but when he continued to drive in silence she didn't question anymore. Maybe his work was a touchy subject.

Not long after the vehicle came to a stop on the curb of an unfamiliar building. The luminous neon sign spelled out the name of the building but because some letters flickered or were not working it read: 'Clor Me Min'

He smiled when she looked over to him confused and opened his door, "Come on."

Inside, the room was artsy with pieces of art hanging on the polychromatic walls. Wooden tables lined against each other decorated with canvas, paint, and paint brushes. It became very clear what they were doing tonight.

"You love art so much I figured I'd put you to the test."

"Prepare to be disappointed then," she mumbled under her breath. Gio still heard, shaking his head and pulling her to sit down.

Violet turned her attention to the front like everyone else as the instructor introduced himself and pointed to the canvas on display. Painted in a variety of colors, a picturesque landscape of mountains, trees, and a river served as an example of what others were to attempt to mimic. They were given a few tips on how to commence their work before he went off to the side to chat with another employee.

Hesitantly, Violet picked up a brush and dipped it into the red cup of water before swirling it into the blue paint. Deep in concentration, her tongue sticked out to the side— a habit when she was focusing on something, the brush gently traced a line on the lower half of the canvas, outlining what was suppose to be the river.

Giovanni's laughter is what broke her trance and she side eyed him.

"Why are you laughing?" Her hand was steady and her tongue poked out again as she continued her line.

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