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Hi, quick short update for you all! I've been busy with college and excuse my language but college has been kicking my aśs. But anyway....

I've decided to end this story within 3 or 4 more chapters. I'm proud of myself for completing it. I usually start things and tend not to finish—I know I'm working on it! On the other hand I'm sad to let it go and really enjoyed writing these characters, especially Nathan.

Shout to: @ JakaylaMoore6 , @-SweetLittlePrincess , and @BarbaraCarr8 thank you for your votes. ❤️

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It was a beautiful day that the two lovebirds flushed away between his sheets. Sleeping over at Gio's had become a comfortable norm for Violet. What she still hasn't gotten use to is the massiveness of everything in the mansion, including the mansion itself. Just to put it on a scale, for example, his custom made bed could fit eight people. Eight people! And yet even with that given information the bed felt small in his bedroom.

Gio's fingertips brushed against Violet's exposed arm as she cuddled closer to his side. The room smelled of sèx and the both of them were recovering from postal bliss.

Violet sighed and laid a kiss to his chest.

"I need some advice."

"Oh," Gio raised a questioning brow.

These walls have heard and saw so much; so many secrets; so many emotions. It saw two vulnerable people trying to find each other while in a way still trying to find themselves.

"You know I've never told my friends about what I thought my sexuality was. And I want to because for so long that side of me was hidden, afraid of being rejected and looked at strangely but then you came along," Violet paused to look up and admire his beautiful face.

"You came along and suddenly I feel things I've never felt before and you didn't judge me when I told you. Frankly, you're still the only man able to make me harvest these feelings, urges. It went from not knowing those emotions to only being able to discover them with one man. I find that weird. Ergo, you're not human."

Giovanni chuckled and flipped so that he hovered over the her.

"You out of everyone should know that I'm all human." As if to prove his point he pressed his lower body between her thighs.

Gasping, she reached up to remove his hair from his eye with a smile.

"Seriously Gio. I've never kept a secret, especially one as important as this, away from them. What do I do? What do I say?"

"I think you should tell them if it clears your mind and eases your heart...tell them. But only you can truly answer your questions."

"You're right."


"Yeah," Violet giggled as Gio lips came down to smother hers in a sweet kiss. His hand already began caressing a familiar path it did multiple times today.

《 《  《 《

Hidden behind his oversized shirt, Violet roamed the halls of the mansion. There was still unmarked territory that she has yet seen and she was determined.

A really nice savory aroma drifted from downstairs from the kitchen. The Chef had just arrived to cook dinner. What ever it was already smelled mouth drooling worthy.

One day she had to promise him that she'd cook him a meal. Granted, it wouldn't be anything as fancy as what the Chef makes but still she wasn't a bad cook.

Her eyes briefly flashed to the family portrait hanging in a groove of the wall. Something about the portrait seemed familiar but she was unable to connect the dots. A frown settled deep on her face as she recalled Gio telling her the story of his parents' death. It was hard for him to speak, tears and pain interrupted him each time.

Those walls really have seen it all.

Giovanni revealed his parents died in a car crash, a car crash his little sister and him survived. His aunt would have been their legal guardian only she relapsed after the death of her sister and went back to doing drugs. The rest of the family had their issues and held their grudges long enough where they didn't even consider the kids stuck in the middle.

Being the youngest and technically the "children" but also the bigger people in the situation was enough proof of what kind of man and woman Gio and Sofia's mom were. He and his sister had been trying to reconnect with the family they never really got to know. Some of the said family members were even at the New Year gathering.

And so finally the information Gio told her in the car that night made sense—Gio made more sense to her. It explained why he was in foster care and helped her understand why art was so important; why it was his escape. She understood now.

After peeking into yet another guess room she decided to go downstairs, staying away from the kitchen as she was still only wearing his shirt.

Giovanni was in the shower freshening up and though he offered her to join him she had to decline, only because she knew how it would end and she didn't think...no know her body couldn't handle another round.

Pressing against the side of the stairs to stay in its shadows and away from any lurking eyes from the kitchen, Violet found herself staring up at the art work in the living space. They were beautiful.

It was contemporary and left a lot to the mind to interpret. The style of the art was different than what she was use to, not that she hasn't seen the style before or didn't admire it, it was just different than what she would normally be so drawn to.

A smile carried her lips as she recalled Nathan's reaction to this same style when they went to an art gallery: "I don't see anything except blotches of different colors. Looks like someone swallowed the rainbow and hurled it all over this canvas."

Suddenly her attention landed on the door near her. She called it the forbidden room of secrets in her head because whenever she tried to sneak a peek inside Gio is always there to stop her. The first time was when she found him in there during the New Year gathering. He was conducting business calls so it was said. But she wondered why she could never go inside if the room seemed something like his office.

Her hand twisted the knob and—


She rose her eyebrows and huffed just as Giovanni came down the stairs.

"Piccola? Where are you?"

Violet created some distance between her and the door before allowing Giovanni to see her.

"What are you doing?"

She smiled and reached up to kiss his cheek, "Nothing. I'm gonna go take my shower now. Tell me  when dinner is ready, sí?"

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