•Chapter One•×New School, New Bullies×

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Heya! Welcome to the first actual chapter of this book. You'll get your CountryHumans, dun worry.

The song above will give ya a good laugh as well.

Onto the chapter!

~No Ones P.O.V.~




Russia groaned and slapped the top of his alarm box, and by some miracle, turning it off. 'That damn alarm clock. Why. What is your purpose in life? Nobody listens to you anyways.'

He slowly lifted the bedsheets off of his torso and swung his legs over the side of the bed. His long, black tail was currently wrapped around his left leg, so he had to take about two minutes to unwind it before getting changed and going downstairs to eat.

USSR, his dad, was currently making pancakes. Failing, as well. Russia could smell the burnt batter all the way from the living room couch. It was getting worse by the second.

It was only a matter of a few more seconds before both Germany and Third Reich rushed down the stairs. Germany made a bolt to the living room whilst Third ran into the kitchen to put out the fire. Germany and Russia both started laughing. The screams and shrieks of terror coming from the kitchen didn't help, either.

"When will he learn that he can't cook..?" Germany asked, wiping a tear from his eyes. Russia shrugged, finally getting over the laughing fit he just had mere seconds ago.

"HeY! I heard that!" USSR yelled. Russia and Germany chuckled a bit more at this.

After a few minutes, Third Reich poked his head around the kitchen corner and tossed some toast at the two of them that had peanut butter and jelly smeared on them.

"Since somebody, " he glared at someone in the kitchen, "Burnt your original food, I just made some toast for you. Anyways, you should probably get going. It is your first day at this school, after all.

Russia sighed and nodded. It's not like moving schools was going to help, anyways. The two of them had always been bullied because of..what they were. Demons. No body liked them, and it was probably going to stay that way for a long time. At least until somebody spoke up about it, and didn't get killed the next day. But that was unlikely to happen anytime soon. Especially with how society was right now.

The two of them headed outside and grabbed their bikes, since asking for a car ride meant that they were going to get there faster. They didn't want that, that's for sure.

The two brothers chatted and laughed while riding down the winding roads to the school. Naturally, they got quite a few dirty looks from Angel countries that were just passing by, presumably heading to the same school as them.

"Russia! Are you listening? We're almost there!" Germany removed his right hand from the bike handles and pointed to a large, very large building on top of a big hill right around the corner that was surrounded by pine trees. It looked like there was already quite a few countries up there already, as well. Russia simply nodded and began to go a bit faster. This causing Germany to have to speed up as well.

~Small 10 Minute Timeskip~

Upon arriving at the school, Germany and Russia quietly walked around to the back of the campus and tied their bikes to nearby trees. Hopefully no Angels would steal them. Again.

The two brothers walked back to the front to see a group of Demons in a huddle by one of the picnic benches that the school provides for lunch. The few they have are typically where the Demons sit because of...reasons.

"Russ! Look over there!" Germany pointed at the group. "Let's introduce ourselves!" Despite strongly disagreeing, Russia sighed.

"Okay...I guess.." He mumbled as they walked over. Upon the brothers arrival, the majority of the group looked up from their conversation. One in particular, who had a red and white eyepatch over his right eye, with his head being the same colors but opposite sides, spoke up.

"You..uh..need something?" He asked. Germany spoke before Russia could say something. So instead, Russia just concentrated on the gravel below his feet.

"Uhm-uh- no! Just wanted to introduce ourselves! I'm Germany! And this is Russia!" The Russian looked up from the ground and managed a small wave in the others direction. The other countries there shared confused looks with one another before the Eyepatch Guy spoke again.

"Well, uhm, hi. Welcome to Country Crown High, I guess. I'm Greenland. And these are my...friends..North Korea, South Korea, and Moscow. The only female in the group looked up at the mention of her name, smiled, waved, and went back to eagerly texting someone, her black tail occasionally flicking in happiness behind her. The other two looked up briefly before also going back to their phones. The blue one with star eyepatch looked somewhat irritated at something. "Anyways, do you wanna come sit with us at-" Before Greenland could continue, a big, shiny, black limousine appeared at the front gates. Greenland and the others visibly tensed and frowned.

'What's happening' is all Russia could think at the moment. As the courtyard was no longer loud with the chattering of students, but silent to the point where you could hear a pin drop.

A few seconds later, a red, white, and blue country stepped out, immediately locking eyes with the small group of demons.

'He's most definitely trouble.'

~~End of •Chapter One•~~

What I tell ya! I told you that you would get your Countryhumans! >:3

Also, please notify me of any grammar mistakes, please and thx!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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