The Ugly Truth

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It was around 10:00 when I realized that the time I was spending with them, was way past my curfew. Interrupting Blaze's zone, I told him strictly that I needed to get home ASAP. Dragging himself off of the grungy alley way sofa, he slid into his truck and drove me home.

Haley and Bloo had already left, but oddly enough, Sky had to leave immediately. Like in a rush. I found it bizarre that he had to leave like that, but he probably had a good reason.

The drive home was long as nerve wrecking, because I couldn't help but think what my mom would say if I came home so damn late. Without a thought, the truck stopped and we were at Broady Lane, my street. Blaze cut down the radio and looked over at me. "You ok, mate?" He asked concerned, yet weary.

I nodded, displaying a lie. "I just don't wanna get chewed out by my folks." I said undoing my seatbelt. Then, a question slipped out.

"What about you? Won't you get in trouble if your out this late?" Blaze made no eye contact and shook his head. "My parents don't really care what I do." He said turning the engine back up. "You better go Cox, I don't wanna keep you held." I paused and opened the door, closing it afterwards.

Blaze spun away from the street and made his way down the road. I took my precious time walking to door, hoping my mom was sleep. But something stopped me in my tracks. In fact, it stopped me in my driveway. Another car. But not just any car. The NutterBergs car. I swung my head back and groaned, looking at the starless sky.

The NutterBergs we're our next door neighbors my mom has been friends with since we moved here. Their the absolute WORST people I have ever met in my life. Their conservative republicans, totally against gay marriage and strict Christians. Ugh, dude it's frightening. But an even better question is, why the hell are they here?

I cursed under my breath, stomping up the porch steps. A har har laugh erupted from the house. Ms.NutterBerg was in there, in all her bony frame glory, over powering expensive perfume, and graying golden hair. Sighing, I opened the door, closing it silently, only to see everyone eyeballing me.

I blushed and brushed my black bangs to the side. My dad scowled, while my

mom fiddled with her nails. "Sorry I'm late, I was out with my friends." I said, staring down at my Vans. My mom stood up and came over to me. "It's alright dear, me and Lucille were just talking about you." My mom said nervously.

Ms.Nutty (the nickname I gave her and her husband cause their looney) stood up perky and strutted her way over, I'm sure to gloat. "Oh Cali hunny, don't trouble yourself. I'm sure he had his purposes." She said smirking.

I rolled my eyes. She's full of shit, piss and everything else. She obviously can't stand me. I leaned over, ignoring her, to see Mr.Nutty mixing his wine with a cherry, completely uninterested, and his son William, legs crossed smirking up a storm. Talk about your spittin' image.

William and I are the same age and go to the same school, but he's a total bastard. He's always off in his own intellectual world, plus he's a smart ass. I can't say a single thing to him without correcting my grammar or debating with me. We both can't stand each other, but we act like we are friends for our parents so they don't argue with each other.

I take a seat next to Holly, to see her smiling up at me. I poke her belly and she giggles pushing me away. Meanwhile, I could feel my dad eyeing me hard for coming here late while The Dukes of Tight Ass is here. I don't even understand why my parents try to please them, they haven't done a damn thing for us, so why should we raise our expectations for them?

I make my plate, piling on as much as I want, as Mr.Nutty looks at me with disbelief. Yes, I'm a hungry ass. No need to starve for them, they can forget it. My mom's eyes widened, signaling me to lay low on the food, but I ignore her and start my feasting. I eat like this every dinner. It wasn't a problem then, it shouldn't be one now.

"So Kyle, how's school going?" Ms.Nutty asks, forking her sandwich, yes her sandwich. "It's ok." I say shortly, still chewing. She lets out a huh, like she doesn't believe me. "Have you applied any scholarships yet, to university?" Mr.Nutty asks. I look up annoyed, knowing these questions were cooked up for a recipe of embarrassment.

"No sir I have not." I said polite, yet impersonating. He frowns and takes a sip of his whine. William looks over evil like. "You know Kyle, the community college is just up the road, perhaps you could make it in there." I stab my cabbage ball as soon as he finishes talking shit. The grin he had told me, he wasn't done just yet.

"No, I mean this in the most manner-able way, you fit the description of their minor establishment. Rebellious yet vulnerable. " He said. I looked over. That was the last fucking straw. "Are you saying that- no wait let me put this in a way only YOU can understand. Are you implying that a low income education is what I need? You're not the fucking Dean of Harvard so I suggest you shut the hell up." I yell at him from my seat.

"Kyle, that's enough!" My mom says. William was red as a apple now; furious. And I was loving every second of it. "I do beg your pardon?! I mean't no such of a thing! And even if I did say such things it would all be truth, would it not?!" He yelled. I rolled my blue, cold hearted eyes.

"You're full of shit! If you think walking around with a sweater vest and high vocabulary makes you a better person than me, you've been living under that solid gold rock you call a home too damn long!" I shout back. Ms.Nutty looks over in anger, only to speak words.

"That's quite enough! My son is a scholar! A boy of significant knowledge! He has been raised to the best of ability unlike you!" She says. My mom looks over and my dad, who is eating away at his sandwich.

"What do you want me to do now? Cry you a river cause you made a male carbon copy of yourself, stuck up and selfish?" I say in a normal tone.

She twitches her eye in response. "It's people like you that ruin our society!Prancing around with your foolish behavior, immodest taste of clothes, and choice of profanity! It is arrogant and unacceptable! God has stood by you as his own and you sin in spite! You should be ashamed of yourself young man! He doesn't like a sinner!"

"Well guess what sweetheart?" I say leaning forward to her face, eyeing her. "God don't like the devil either, and right now I'm lookin' right at her." I say, in a hushed tone. Her mouth springs to a drop as I sit back down.

"That's it! We are leaving!" She says, getting up and grabbing her coat. She scurries out along with rest of her "Flock". My mom runs after them with her heels. "But we haven't had dessert yet!" She says trying to get them to come back.

"Oh! In all my years of dealing with such inappropriate behavior, I am appalled the most at this! Keep that delinquent of yours afar from me as possible, or I will alert the authorities!" She says getting in her convertible.

They speed away to their overrated neighborhood section, across the lake. My mom closes the door, only to scowl along with my dad, at me as I cross my arms. "Once again, I'm screwed." I think to myself.

***Well guys that's Chapter 8! Don't forget to star of you like it and comment any suggestions or criticism! Part 9 will be out very soon. Inbox me for any questions! :):):) ***

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