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Kyle's POV

I rub the front of my neck in the mirror, sucking air through my teeth, gritting at the pain. Sky stood off on his own towards the woods, with his cheeks painted red. I stared over, but he tried his hardest not to look me in the eye. I don't know why, but somehow I felt like this was my fault.

Haley walked over with a bag of ice, motioning for me to lift my head. I tensed as she pressed on it. It hurt like shit. "I'm sorry about Sky...." She said. I shrugged. "It's no big deal, I was just being stubborn." Haley widened her eyes. "Kyle he could have made you pass out and you blame yourself?" She ask judging indirectly. "There's no need for making this a big thing, it's not like I haven't been hurt before." I say carelessly.

We all climb back into the car and drive to a station. The drive is long and awkward. I lay down my head on the seatbelt and prop up my legs in the seat, rubbing my wrists. Remembering why the scars were even there. Sky looks over at me sympathetically.

Waking up, I feel the car stop, but my eyes remain closed, I was too damn tired to get up. "I have to potty Blaze get the hell out of the way!" I hear Bloo yell, jumping out the car "Go the other way you little runt!". I smirk holding a laugh. Bloo was like the little brother I always wish I had. And how Blaze was like the older brother I never wanted.

Sky's POV

I can't believe what I did to Kyle, I thought that I was helping but really I was hurting him more. So much for being there for the guy. God do I feel like crap, he was one the greatest friends I've ever had.

I look over at him, curled up in the seat, snuggled in his hoodie, breathing tranquilly. He was so cute when he was asleep. I grabbed a blanket from the back of the car on the seat. I draped him with it, trying hard to not disturb him. Sighing I rubbed my eyes, still in shock with myself.

Just then, I see Kyle's big light blue eyes flutter open, looking at the blanket. "Did you put this on me?" He ask softly, his throat hoarse from my strength. I nod admitting. "You looked a little cold." He blushed smiling, licking his snake bites . "Thanks." He said. "Don't mention it."

Awkward silence passed for 3 minutes. "I'm really sorry Kyle." I say looking at him. He nods. "It's ok. I'm not upset." He says. I shake my head. "It's not, I shouldn't have grabbed at you like that." I said looking out the window. "I'm a forgiving guy Sky, it's gonna be ok." He says putting on his hood.

"I guess I was so caught up in this whole vision thing and that kid I just-" I start to say but interrupted like him. "It was me, Sky." I hear him say. I shoot my head over. He looks back shrugging. What did he just say.

"When I was 8, I was admitted to that place cause my biological parents didn't have the right environment for me to live in. So I was taken there November 11th, in like 2007. Of course when I got there I was picked on by the other kids cause they thought I was a freak or some shit like that. Then one day, a elementary school class had came over to tour the place and do volunteer work.

"There was a group of boys that said that they wanted to be my friend and I could hang with them if I ran the hall race and won. I didn't know that someone had lathered the floor in baby oil. I ran and slipped, hitting my head on the Mahogany. Kids gathered, along with those boys tearing off my clothes exposing the scars from my mom that I never told anybody about."

"I looked up and saw a kid with long blonde hair, with a skate shirt, with evidence of oil on hi short and hand, smiling nervously while everybody else laughed like shit.....that was me."

I dropped my face. Not my Kyle. Boy, did I feel like shit. "Kyle I-I am so....." I say trying to get it out. "Dude what you did, can't compare to the bullshit I've dealt with. You're a good guy. Stop being sorry." He says straight faced. I smile, feeling 10 times better. We both stare at each-other then laugh out randomly. I look at his lips, so perfect with those piercings and his teeth so white. And his black hair long with his plugs..........shit I'm sounding gay but seriously if I was, he would be mine. .

I hear Bloo hop in the car falling on the floor, to see Blaze kicking him over. Bloo scurries over to Haley in her arms like a baby. "So is it back to Denver, or what?" I ask them. "I wanna go to the playground." I hear Bloo say. "Bloo your fucking 16, your not going." Blaze says. Bloo kicks the seat. "I can do whatever the hell I want to! You can't make me!" He says sticking out his tongue. "You little prick I'm gonna..." Then the conversation fades out as I look and Kyle, we laughed our asses off at their argument. From this day forward, things would be better.

***Thats it guys! Chapter 13! Chapter 14 will be out soon so stay posted!****

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