Chapter 1

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Tzuyu sighed loudly. The rest of the students in the library glanced over and gave her stern looks. She bowed lightly and put her face on the cold wooden table. From the corner of your eyes, you could see she was in distress. But you weren't particularly worried, she does this every once in a while. "Y/N, as my best friend, can't you pay more attention to me?" she asked, it came out as a mumble since her face was still on the table.

You put your book down. "My dear Tzuyu, what can I do for you?"

"My heart hurts." she answered. When her head popped up again, her cheeks were a little red and she pouted. It was the common signs of lovesick. Like many high school girls, Tzuyu had fallen in love with Jeon Jungkook, star basketball player of the school. It might be too sudden to say love but you know she really cherishes him. It's not just because of his appearance, though that's 30% of the reason why she fell for him, it's mainly his character.

Somehow, she seems to notice the little things, how he cuts his hair, when he's having too much on his mind, his handwriting, how he tries to focus on his work when he's really doodling. To her, he's everything she hoped for in a guy. Tall, handsome, a dork, interest in sports, someone who can hypothetically take care of her. She has dated other guys before but none of them make her feel special the way Jungkook does. But the thing is, they have never spoken to each other.

"Why don't you say hi to him?" you asked in an irritated tone. She is a beautiful girl with an outgoing personality, but whenever he's around, she immediately shuts down. It was sad to watch. But who are you to speak?

"What if he doesn't say anything back?" Covering her face with her hands, that's when she's really nervous. Her hair hugging her rosy cheeks as if out of comfort. You grabbed her hands and removed them just enough to see her big brown eyes sparkle.

"Then he's not the one."

"You're no help." she pouted. You simply shrugged. She knew you wouldn't be helpful considering you had no experience when it comes to things like this. Sure, you fell in love once before, but it was only once and it never happened again. When you try to picture what love is, is it like how you love your favorite doll when you were five? Is it the excitement of going on your first rollercoaster ride? Does it hurt as much as having a needle in your arm? You only knew the pain part of it. Now seeing her act like this, love doesn't sound like such an appealing option. And you're okay with that.

Unfortunately, you two did not have the same homeroom and after the break, you went your separate ways. Mr. Lee was back in his position when you entered the room. Seulgi waved at you, she's like an excited puppy. But before moving to your seat next to her, you made a detour to the windows where Jungkook was. He was in your homeroom and would occasionally make conversation with you. He was on his phone, texting someone excitedly but to your knowledge, he doesn't have a girlfriend. The poor boy is afraid of many girls.

You could say you're friends. He happens to also live down the street from you. When you were both little, before meeting Tzuyu, you knew him better. But that's history. Your arm extended out to tap his shoulder as he glanced up at the same time. His clear dark brown eyes met yours. Time froze. You weren't exactly nervous mostly because you didn't feel anything towards him. But here he is right now, standing in front of you.

"Hi Y/N." he said, his Bambi eyes opening a little. The thing about Jungkook is that he is always friendly, so it made the experience less daunting. "Do you need anything?"

"Um, n-not me personally. But I have this friend and I think you guys should get to know each other." you managed to say, only stuttering a little. For a long time, his face was blank, but then a smile found a way to crawl out of that face.

"Great." He voice began to relax and you felt at ease.

You nodded then hurried back to my seat before anyone noticed what just happened. Tzuyu would be mad if she found out you did this, but since she won't help herself, you will. Upon your return, Seulgi started giggling at her phone which is abnormal for her because she's practically oppa material, even though she has a boyfriend herself, Jimin. Love can really change people. You sat in at the table next to her so it's easy for us to talk and laugh which annoys Mr.Lee but he never yells at you two because you actually finish your assignments.

"Good morning class." Mr. Lee said with more enthusiasm than usual. Something's different today, one thing, he's wearing a suit and two, you finally noticed the people inside the room. The principal and two men in black suits. What, is a celebrity coming here?

"Hey, Y/N, what were you doing over there with Jungkook? Did you confess? Ohh, I thought you hated boys." Seulgi whispered into your ear, but your attention was drawn to the door, someone important is about to come in. Just who would come?

"Shut up, he's not even my type." you whispered back. You tried to distract your attention. Something felt off about what's about to happen and you didn't like it one bit. You took out a book and started reading. The words jumped around and rearranged themselves. You knew he came into the room when the female population of the class including Seulgi screamed loud enough to shattered the window.

RM! They all shouted. To them, that name meant the handsome rapper and one of the members of Cypher, Korea's hottest hip-hop group. To you, that name meant a childhood heartbreak. Slowly, you lifted your head up, trying to act normal but the moment you saw those chocolate eyes, memories replayed in your mind like a movie. Holding hands, laughing at nothing, sharing smoothies, catching crabs, all gone now.

For a moment, his eyes met yours before the girls started crowding him. He was speechless, his mouth opened slightly. Through all the commotions, you managed to escape out the back door of the classroom. You didn't want to be there, where your first love was standing. 

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