Chapter 16

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"Let me get this straight," Taehyung said, scratching his head and tapping his foot. "You were with her the whole night but didn't ask her to be your girlfriend?" Yoongi and Hoseok also seemed confused that Namjoon didn't do that. Jungkook was mostly pissed that Taehyung was here. Namjoon facepalmed himself.

"I-I don't know why I didn't. We just got caught up in the moment and I completely forgot." he said, mentally kicking himself.

"For someone with an IQ of 148, you sure are dumb." Yoongi blurted, Hoseok elbowed his stomach causing the elder to glare at him.

"It's okay, hyung. You can ask her today." Jungkook suggested.

"But yesterday could have been so perfect!" Taehyung argued. He shook his head at Namjoon.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung, you're not helping the situation. Just shut up." Jungkook said through gritted teeth.

"Not helping?" Taehyung repeated, his eyes closing in on the maknae. His face darkened, the shadows were more exaggerated. "I gave up my chance to be with Y/N for Kim Namjoon and you're telling me I'm not helping?" He walked over to where Jungkook was sitting, on the steps leading up to the stage. The maknae didn't feel frightened, he stood up to stand his ground, puffing his chest.

"If it weren't for you, they could have gotten together way sooner." Jungkook challenged. They were literally inches from each other's face. Namjoon walked over quickly and got in between the two of them.

"Enough you two." he said, but the younger ones weren't backing down any time soon.

"No, if it weren't for me, Y/N would have felt pressured and wouldn't have come to the realization herself." Taehyung said calmly, though he was starting to lose his coolness. "It's none of your business anyways, Jungkook."

"It is my business. Namjoon is my role model and I would do anything for him."

"Well Y/N is important to me too, I wanted to give her happiness. Even if its not with me." he said that last part quietly, almost to himself. His body slumped and he walked away. Namjoon gave Jungkook a disappointing look before running after Taehyung.

"Please don't be upset. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Deep down he's grateful for what you did and so am I."

"I'm not upset. Well, that's a lie, I am. But I'll get over it. Just make sure to treat her right from now on, alright?"

"Of course. She's my galaxy." he answered.

Elsewhere in the school, Tzuyu was beaming at what you told her. But she was understandably upset with the whole fake relationship with Taehyung. When you told her about the amusement park, she was smirking the whole time. "So are you two like dating now?" she asked, eyeing the necklace he gave you which you were playing with.

"Well, not exactly. But we're on good terms." you shrugged.

"That literally makes no sense. He told you he loves you and even gave you a present. Why aren't you two dating?" she asked, more like demanded.

"Zuzu, it's not that simple. First off, he's an idol. That whole system is complicated enough on its own. For all I know, his company won't let him and he's breaking the rule by even talking to me. And secondly, I think we still need time to adjust to each other, me more so than him. I want to just start off with being friends first. We need to heal that bond."

She scoffed. "You cannot be friends with someone you love." Then she paused. "Wait, do you love him?" You hummed, it wasn't much of a response. "How nice, requited love." she sighed.

"Jungkook took you to lunch the other day." you pointed out. At the statement, she blushed deeply and slammed her head on the table. The sound could be heard down the hallway.

"We were just doing homework together." she said and you rolled your eyes.

"Whatever you say, princess." Jungkook doesn't do homework and doesn't asks girls to lunch. Of course there's something going on. But you'll just let nature take its course. As you both walked to class, you could hear the groups of Barbies talking and giggling loudly like a group of hyenas. At first, you were confused, but then you saw some people hanging up posters and the giant banner by the entrance of the school.

"Oh that's right. The senior dance is coming up!" Tzuyu cheered.

"How did you forget that? You've been eyeing that one dress since the start of the school."

"You forgot too." she argued.

"That's because I'm not going." you reminded her. Dressing up would be fun but everything else, the music, dark room, couple making out in the corner, bad food, aren't your thing.

"Um, excuse me? Of course you are." she yelled. "It's the last dance before the graduation dance, you have to go."

"You know I never go." In the past, you would help her get ready and your mom would drive her there and back home, but you never participated.

"That's because you never had a reason to, or a date. But this year you do."

"Alright, let me make it clear. I didn't go in the past not because I didn't have a date because Taehyung asked every year, but because I genuinely didn't want to go. A date or without a date doesn't change anything, I don't need another guy to be in my presence to make anything memorable."

"You know I didn't mean it like that." she said softly and wrapped her arm around yours. "I just think it would be a good night for you two."

"I appreciate that, but he hasn't even asked yet and I have nothing to wear."

"I'm one thousand percent positive he will ask you and it's a good thing we're going dress shopping this weekend." she exclaimed. You were nervous and anxious. There was a chance that he wouldn't ask you, he wouldn't risk his career with a scandal. Tzuyu went into her class and you headed towards yours. Just then, there was a tap on your shoulder.

Your eyes rolled out of their socket out of annoyance when you saw who it was. "What do you want So Min?"

"You to drop that attitude." she spat. Her hair was straightened and sleek back. Her cherry lips and rosy artificial cheeks were the only color on her face.

"My apologies your Highness, what the fuck do you want?"

"I thought I told you to stay away from Namjoon."

"And I did." you lied. No one aside from Taehyung should have known about the whole amusement park event and it was a good thing you already put the necklace underneath your shirt.

"Then why did I just hear the little princess talking about him asking you to the dance?"

You bit your lips, she heard your conversation with Tzuyu, but you tried to play it off. "She was just joking, of course."

"It better be a joke. Don't think I forgot about the whole scene you caused between him and Taehyung." She stepped closer, the vanilla burning your nostrils. Up close, you could see the flakiness of her foundation. "I wonder what makes you so special that you were able to get those boys to even look at you?"

"I think finding the right foundation shade is a start." you said sarcastically. But you didn't get a chance to laugh. Her hand raised and it slapped down hard on your cheek. That will leave a mark. You glared at her. "Hurt me all you want, I could care less." you groaned.

"I know. That's why I'll hurt your little princess instead." she said in full confidence. That made your blood stop.

"You wouldn't dare."

"You have no idea what I'm capable of." So Min whispered with a devilish smile.

"What do you want?" you asked again. This time, you felt cold sweat. Your hands were numb.

"I'll tell you when the time comes." And then you saw her back as she walked away. When she was out of sight, you could finally breathe again. Your knees gave out and you landed roughly on the floor. Few people walked by but none of them paid much attention to you.

A certain blonde did. And she was furious. 

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