Chapter 10

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A crowd had gathered around you guys. Jungkook joined Namjoon at his side while Seokjin and Jimin were with Taehyung. Neither side seemed to be backing off. You stood awkwardly on the sideline. It was the first time seeing all the boys together. There was a strange aura to them. A connection, even if they were on opposing sides. If it weren't for the situation, they would make great friends. Soulmates even, the universe had put them together in the same place for a purpose.

"Looks like I got to her before you did." Taehyung said. He had intentionally said it to provoke Namjoon. "Sorry RM-ssi."

"You brat." Yoongi said under his breath, but everyone heard it.

"Y/N, is this true?" Jungkook asked. "Are you really choosing him over hyung?" His voice was raised and it made you take a step back behind Taehyung. His grip on your hand was firmer. Namjoon placed a hand in front of Jungkook to block him from going any further.

"Jungkook, that's enough." Namjoon said quietly. He couldn't stop looking at you, but you were no longer his for the taking.

"No, hyung." Jungkook pushed his hand back and turned to look at you again. "Hyung came back for you. He risked his career to come back to see you and to be with you. How could you do this to him?" he yelled. The whole school had heard what he just said and whispered amongst themselves. This isn't good, you thought, people will ask questions and you can't handle that.

"She never asked him to come back." Taehyung answered in your stead.

"What did you just say?" Jungkook asked, grabbing his collar. Seokjin tensed up at the sight of someone threatening to hurt his brother, and so did Jimin.

"Jungkook, let him go." Namjoon said. But Jungkook didn't listen.

"Y/N never asked for RM-ssi to come back. And she certainly never asked him to leave her in the first place. So don't make this her fault." Taehyung said before gently removing Jungkook's hands off of him. "Please leave her alone from now on." he said to Namjoon.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. "You." Then his hand was raised in the air and everyone gasped. But Namjoon moved quickly and gripped it tightly before it could land on any part of Taehyung.

"Let it go, he's right." he said quietly.

"But hyung-"

"No, it was my fault. I left first, this is what I get. I'm sorry for the commotion." he bowed to Taehyung lightly and walked away. Unknowingly, a tear fell out of your eye at the sight of his back walking away. His group followed him.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Taehyung asked, wiping the tear from your cheek.

"Um, yeah. I should be asking you that."

"That was nothing. I should protect my girlfriend, right?" he chuckled.

"Girlfriend?" Jimin asked. "You have a lot of explaining to do." So Taehyung did, obviously leaving out the whole pretending part. You stood silently as he spoke. The way he painted the story was romantic, in a way that you could never give him. You really wish you could be what he wants of you, but it'll never happen. Then he walked you to class, hand in hand. Girls around didn't even try to hide their annoyance at you. But you'll just ignore them as Taehyung said.

"Have fun in class. I'll see you at lunch." he said. As he lets go, he was hesitant what he should do next, so you have him a fist bump instead. He chuckled and went along with it. When you entered class, Namjoon was no longer in the seat next to you, it was Seulgi again. Everyone had their eyes on you but you were looking elsewhere. Namjoon sat in the back, his head spun towards the window. He seemed distressed and you knew it was because of you.

"Y/N." Mr. Lee called out.

"Yes, sir?"

"The principal is looking for you. You should go to her office now." he said lazily and dismissed you with his hand. You nodded and headed towards the principal's office. You weren't nervous because there wasn't any reason to be scared. You knocked on the door and she opened it with a smile on her face.

"Miss Y/N, thank you for coming to see me. Please take a seat." she said. Her hair was curled to her shoulder and she wore a thin pearl necklace, she looks like someone in power. But she was kind.

"Mr. Lee said you wanted to talk to me."

"Ah yes. I have some good news." she said excitedly. "Do you remember the short English story of yours that won the national contest?"

"Yes." Of course you remember it. It was one of the happiest moments of your life. And it was when you realized what you wanted to do in the future, write.

"Of course you would. Well, I went and submitted that along with your transcript and resume to a few universities in the States."

"The States? I could never get in." you said, shaking your head.

"That's where you're wrong." she said, and handed you a large envelope. "Open it." she said, almost jumping out of her seat. So you did. It contained a letter and some folders. The letter was in English and you understood the content just fine from watching American television all the time. You read the letter out loud.

"Dear Ms. Y/N,

This is the Dean of the Admission Office of Columbia University. It is my honor to grant you acceptance into our writing program. We could use more astonishing writers like yourself. This package includes all the information you'll need for admission. Please contact us if you have any further question. Welcome to Columbia."

You sat back, the letter on your lap. The principal was smiling brightly and proud. You then started crying. "Thank you, thank you so much for doing this." you told her.

"You did all of this yourself. All I did was put them together and mail them away." she answered. She walked from behind her desk to give you a hug. "You deserve all of this." After getting out of her office, you called your mom immediately. She cried and promised to get off work to celebrate. You also texted Tzuyu and Taehyung. You thought about telling Jungkook or at least Namjoon, but by the time you would leave, it wouldn't matter.

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