Chapter 40

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Rosie was having one of her weekly performances at a bar near the school and it was your first time going to it since everything happened. You and a couple of other friends always went to support the redhead.

"Y/N, haven't seen you in forever." said Jackson. He went to embrace you tightly, he only knew that you went through a breakup but not with who. "I'm sorry for everything, but at least you'll date me now, right?"

You chuckled and said nothing. "Pigs will fly before a pretty girl like her go out with you." Irene commented, not being able to hide her disgust for men. Rosé took the stage with her guitar and sat on the high chair. The patrons always love her, as they should.

"Hello everyone." she said in her Aussie accent that made boys and girls fall in love. "This is a cover I've been working on, I hope you all like it." The guitar began, one string, it was sorrow already. The room grew quiet, anticipating her angelic voice.

I, I know where to lay

I know what to say

It's all the same

And I, I know how to play

I know this game

It's all the same

Now if I keep my eyes closed, he looks just like you

He'll never stay, they never do

Now if I keep my eyes closed, he feels just like you

But you've been replaced

I'm face to face with someone new, with someone new

I would've gave it all for you, been there for you

So tell me where I went wrong

Would've gave it all for you, and cared for you

My lover, my liar

Would've traded all for you, been there for you

So tell me how to move on

Would've traded all for you, been there for you

My lover

Woo, Woo, Woo, Woo

He don't realize I'm thinkin' about you

It's nothing new, it's nothing new

When the song ended, you realized your cheeks were stained with tears. You never meant to think about it, but just like a wine stain on a white dress, the memories are always there. She continued playing a few more songs and with every song, the weight of your heart increased. Just then, your phone vibrated. When you saw the name on the screen, your legs almost gave out. You held onto the table as you opened the message.

Namjoon: Meet me in the back alley of the bar.

You restarted the phone, the message was still there. It couldn't be real, he couldn't be here right now. He was back in Korea, with her. But what this message gave you was hope. You knew that if you told anyone at the table, especially Rosie, she would never let you go. So you quietly slipped out of the bar and ran towards the alley. Every single cell in your body knew it was a bad idea, there was no way he was here and no way that he knew you would be here. But you didn't care, Kim Namjoon would always have your heart and you needed to see him. Puddled on the ground reflected the moon, it was the only light source right now. You didn't see him at first, but he was behind a dumpster. You ran towards him.

His figure was still lean and tall. But as you got within a few meters, something was off. This was not Namjoon. In one hand, he had a bat and the other handcuffs. Before you could scream, someone else put a cloth over you and you blacked out completely. Your phone bouncing off somewhere else.


Tzuyu's phone went off during class and it came from Rosé. Being your best friend, it was her job to get to know everyone that surrounds you, especially your roommate. The two of them had gotten close and Tzuyu was grateful that Rosie was there for you when she couldn't. But it was strange, it should be past midnight right now, why would she be calling. Tzuyu excused herself from class and answered.


"Y/N's missing! She's gone, I don't know how..." Rosie rambled on, a crying mess.

"Slow down, breathe. What happened?"

"We went to the bar tonight and we didn't notice that she left and now we can't find her. And we can't reach her phone at all. It's not like her, she would tell us if she was leaving. Something is so wrong! She had gotten better lately, she wouldn't do something like this." There was a knot forming in Tzuyu's stomach. Her best friend wouldn't do something that irresponsible no matter how she was feeling.

"Does her mom know?"

"Not yet. I-I don't know what to tell her."

"Good, don't say anything yet. I'll call the boys, Taehyung, maybe he would know. But keep looking please." she begged.

"Yes, I will." Then she hung up. Tzuyu fell to the ground and hugged her legs. She hated being so far away from you. She hated knowing that you're in pain. But this was no time for that, she grabbed her phone and began to dial numbers.

Back at the bar, the group scattered to look. Irene stayed inside to ask the people inside while Jackson and Rosie checked outside. Through the tears, it was hard for her to look but she kept going. She blamed herself for bringing you out here and playing all those sad songs.

"I found something!" Jackson yelled. She turned around to see him holding up your phone, the screen cracked from the fall. But it was still operating.

"Oh my god." Rosie gasped. "Why would she drop this intentionally?"

"Check her messages, maybe there's a clue in there." Jackson suggested. Rosie unlocked the phone with her face and opened the most recent message. She gasped when she realized who it was. "Who's Namjoon?" Jackson asked.

"Her ex-boyfriend." she answered.

"What the fuck, he took her?"

"No," Rosie shook her head. "He couldn't have. But he knows the person who did."


Dark and wet. It was your current surrounding. Your body felt heavy, the drug hasn't worn off yet but you could open your eyes. You were in a small, windowless room. There was only a door, and it was locked obviously. You were so confused by what happened, but you figured you weren't in the best situation. It was foolish of you to think it would be him. And now someone had taken you, whether you die or live at this point is not a priority. Dark, wet, and cold. 

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