Boyfriend Headcannons/Scenarios

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-ok, Lemres would be a cute boyfriend
-he'd be very sweet and affectionate, and looooves to cuddle you!!!!!
-also likes it when you sit on his lap (in a not weird way. Get ur mind out of the gutter)
-he tries to make food for you sometimes, but he's bad at it.
-he LOOOOOVES when you make him cake because this is Lemres. He likes it much more when the two of you make it together.
-give him the chance and he WILL tickle you without hesitation. He loves your laugh.
-avoid telling anyone, because once Klug and Feli find out it's over for you
-is really good at calming you down. It's just something about his voice and how he hugs you. Overall 10/10 very soft feller


-You'd be Sigs first relationship, so you gotta help him.
-he's very bad at expressing his emotions, but loves you more than anything.
-Let him show you his bug collection. He's super proud of it and gets so exited when he talks about it. It will be adorable I promise. Doesn't matter if you're afraid of bugs the Sig part WILL be worth it.
-he's very chill, so if you wanna do something he'll probably do it with you.
-is SUPER cute when blushing so kiss him lots
-is SUPER cute all the time so kiss him lots. Love your sweet little bug boy because he DESERVES IT
-pretty good at video games, actually. The two of you play them a lot together.


-call him captain. He loves it
-He may get busy with all his captain duties but will make sure to spare time for you, because he loves you a lot!!!!!
-He is pretty confident, but takes your words to heart. So basically, he thinks your compliments are the highest levels of praise.
-Dude Tee is RIPPED. Absolutely jacked. Sometimes when y'all are alone he just doesn't wear a shirt to make you blush.
-gives you a lot of smooches. Like a lot of smooches. Basically every time he sees you. You might just be walking by and he'll kiss ya on the cheek.
- When the two of you cuddle together, he'll probably fall asleep. Once that happens, good luck getting away, because Tee has a death grip on you.


-Ex is such a goofball. He cracks a lot of jokes when the two of you are together.
-He gets lonely a lot, so visit him often! Give him hugs and smooches! Lots of em!
-The two of you often make up stupid games to play together while you're bored at the edge of space and time. One time, you played a game that got so serious you almost floated off into the void.
-Ex has a very low self esteem, so compliment him and make sure he feels valid. He might pull out the "why are you dating me? you deserve so much better."
-Ex literally thinks you are the most amazing person in the entire galaxy. It baffles him how he got so lucky.
-Likes to talk about his old life on the Tetra, and his daughter. He talks about her a lot.


-Just like Sig, he's really bad at expressing his emotions, but loves you a lot.
-He gets flustered VEEEERY easily.
-Is surprisingly good at artistic pursuits, like baking and drawing. His cakes taste heavenly, and he'll make as many as you want!
-Shares his plans on how he will steal Arle's power with you.
-He likes to take walks with you. He loves just listening to the sound of the breeze in the trees and holding your hand.
-Holds your hand, and then starts blushing like a maniac. Will hold ur hand a lot tho
-Dude he gets really jealous. Like if Satan even breathes in your direction he will not hesitate to stab him
-tries to call you nicknames, but they either sound weird or he thinks it sounds weird.
-"Hey, honey? No......... that sounds odd. Apologies."
-"My cute little weasel!" "Schezo, did you just call me a god damn weasel?"
-does call you dearest when he's feeling very  sappy.
-you constantly have to correct his awful, awful habit of sounding like a pervert.


-it took him a really long time to realize Arle wasn't interested in him. (or atleast took a while for him to accept it.) he eventfully realized that he liked you a lot more. Plus, you liked him back so win win
-he loves to dance. He will ask you to dance with him all the time!
-plus, he has a really good taste in music, so you always have fun with him!
-very prince like. Does the weird hand kiss thing a lot.
-he absolutely LOVES it when you play with his hair. When you run your hands through it or braid it, it calms him down so much.
-calls you princess because you ARE his princess, and will go any length to protect you.
-He brags to everyone about you. He just....... loves you so much that he can't shut up about you.
-Rulue quickly found out about the two of you dating since Satan can't shut up, so she's really jealous of you


-Super flirty. Loves seeing you blush, cuz he thinks it's adorable!
-He will never, ever stop teasing you. That's just who he is™
-Sometimes it's hard to tell what he's feeling, so the two of you have decided just to be upfront about what you feel.
- So like, if you're sad, you'll just tell him without hesitation and he'll make you feel better! It helps make the relationship much healthier.
-the two of you cuddle and watch Disney movies every Saturday night. You both end up yelling the lyrics at the top of your lungs like idiots.
- Risakuma fawns over the two of you and thinks your relationship is just precious. It gets scary sometimes.
-One time, your mom walked in on the two of you making out. It was awkward.
-He likes playing with your hair, and loves putting it in cute hairstyles!
-the two of you made up your own sign language. It took a lot of effort, but totally worth it.
- so much PDA.


- the two of you go to the library together and just read in silence. It's really calming, actually.
-Klug will fangirl to you about Lemres every now and again, so just sit through it. It will mean a lot to him
- The two of you vent to each other a lot, and it makes you feel like you understand the other much more.
- gets flustered easily
-pretends to know a lot bout dating, but he really doesn't. He just wants you to think he's super smart.
-he gets anxiety attacks sometimes, and you just being there with him calms him down a lot.
-just like Satan, he'll totally brag about you. He thinks your the coolest person and the fact that you chose him out of all people is something to brag about!
-He has a diary, and actually writes about you a lot in it.
- He confessed to you through a love letter, and it was the sweetest thing ever 💖💗💕💘

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