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"on a ship outside of Essos"

Dany woke up on her usual nightmares it had been the same everynight and she could not shake  it. She kept wondering how did she get here she should be in Mereen ruling over it in Essos instead she's here on a ship in her worst nightmare yet sailing out of white harbor to god knows what this all started back in Mereen 10 weeks ago.

"10 weeks ago in Merren"

"your grace we've won the battle in Mereen there's no reason for you to stay" Tyrion had said he was her hand and she trusted him to advise her on the best situation at hand. Dany spoke firmly but clearly enough for her advisers to hear her 

"I appreciate your concern Tyrion we might have freed the people still I need to prepare and strategize if I am ever to sit on the Iron Throne we need allies"

Varys agreed but was secretly plotting her demise he came up with an idea one she might not like he suggested that he marry Euron Greyjoy a marriage alliance would work in her favor as she would have a stronger claim. Daenerys did not like the idea at all if she was every going to marry she would marry for love not alliances. Tyrion had his suspicions on this union between the two but brushed it aside said it could work.

That night Varys meet with Euron Greyjoy if Varys was good at one thing was playing the game and paying in advance he handed Varys a lot of gold for his expenses "It's all there count it if you like" he said confidently Euron stared at him but knew how to play him "so I marry this queen and Aegon gets to rule seven kingdoms tell me is he alive?" he question Varys knew he didn't confirm nor did he deny it "I wonder what the queen would think if she knew you betrayed her like this" he said smirky Varys demanded he not say a word  but it was tricky to read Euron but knew he would do exactly what he wanted.

Euron smirked "don't worry old man I have plans for the queen" Varys made it clear under no circumstances was he to hurt her grace but Euron did not hear him he didn't care Varys looked concerned as he left he wondered if Euron would turn on him didn't matter only he knew where the true Heir who happen to be Dany's nephew  Aegon Targaryen where he was he didn't care what happened to the queen.

that night after Euron had married Daenerys he took her to her room for their wedding night Daenerys was not prepared what was about to happen at first he was kind but then things changed as he prepared he locked the door so no-one ne would hear them Dany was shocked "what are you doing?" he grabbed her but the wrists and says "A queen must always do what the king wants no matter the consequences" he pushed her roughly on the bed she tried to scream but he was too strong she couldn't fight she was terrified and she was alone. she woke the next morning ashamed and terrified he basically threatened that if she said anything to anymore that he would shame her she was scared and afraid she knew if she let it continue he would only hurt her more she had to get out of this marriage but she didn't know who to trust Missandei knew something was wrong she meet the Queen that night "your grace what is going on?" "I need your Help Missandei" she explained how Euron had raped her that night and threatened her fearing for her life she asked Missandei to get her out of Essos Missandei never trusted that snake Euron neither did Grey Worm her lover they both put their Queen first that night they snuck her out of Essos on a ship to sail to white Harbor Daenerys knew the danger she would be putting them at risk she worried about her Dragons Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal they assured her they would watch over them until she could get out of this mess she was in. Daenerys was outside the docks of  white harbor she wore her blue satin dress and her scarf over her face so no-one would recognize her she spoke to Grey Worm in Valerian language instructing him to watch over her children and the capital while she was gone Missandei didn't like goodbyes and gave her one last advise "your grace the man in your dreams the one with the wolf do you think he exists" "if he does I have to find him maybe he can help me" "Be careful your grace there's a place called "Winterfell" they are not kind to Southern Rulers or Targaryens if they find out who you are they'll execute you" she promise to tread lightly they watched as she depart.

"Present Day in White Harbor outside of Essos"

Dany hoped she could find allies to help lord knows she needed it suddenly the boat rocked she went aboard and saw her ship was being attacked by the Iron fleet the captain knew she was danger he got her on a boat and told her to go she sat on the boat but the boat men were killed she jumped into the water and swam ashore she barely made it she was exhausted and was starving she walked towards the forrest and heard wolves she started to run fearing for her life she made past the forrest but didn't  know where she was it was cold and she was freezing feeling weak and tired she passed out in the snow unaware that a stranger had come up on the maiden and picked her up "dear god hold on"

To Be Continued 

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