Finding Aegon

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"somewhere in Kings landing"

Aegon was ruling the seven Kingdoms he was happy until he heard news of his family Daenerys and Jon snow he read a message from Lord Varys on his betrayal of his cousins and what had gone down. Varys came in "My Lord the people are waiting for you" Aegon told him to give him a moment then confronted him about his family "you want to explain this"  he shows a message that reads about Jon and Dany. Varys was confused thought he was pleased "why didn't you tell me I had two other families out there alive" Varys told him he was trying to protect him that his family was against him and would overthrow him from the Throne Varys was still playing the game he left abruptly a noblemen who server as Aegon's hand had come with news Aegon was not sure what to believe about his cousins he knew Jon and Daenerys were Aunt and nephew but that mean they were his family who plan to overthrow him "My Lord Varys is a spymaster I would be wary of him if I were you". Aegon was contemplating "tell me about Daenerys and Jon my family" 

Back in Winterfell Dany had woken up the sun always was beautiful this time of day being with Jon had made her feel alive and she needed that after all that happened she got up and had one of the hand maids help her with her dress she wore a Red dress with dragons pin on her gown and had Missandei do her hair with braids coming down towards the bottom she felt beautiful again Jon was dressed in his clothes with his fur cloak around pretty fitting for a king they had met in the dining room for dinner she was happy they had finished their dinner when she received a message from the Iron Islands about Euron.

Jon cringed every time he heard Euron's name made him sick how he could defile the Queen like that Daenerys read the message he was concerned about her he held her hand gentle "what does it say?" she read it slowly and felt a certain relief "the Iron Islands have stated and made a decree my marriage to Euron has been officially null and void I am finally free from that man" Jon was at ease to know the nightmare was finally over she mentioned that the Queen of the Iron Island had him in prison  and will face judgement for his crimes either way it was over but she wasn't sure about that "well at least it's over with this but not with my family" he knew that she wanted to find Aegon Targaryen before someone filled his head with lies about her but didn't know where to start looking for him "Aegon is most likely in the Capital right ruling over the seven Kingdoms?" she looked at him with love in her eyes he supported her since she came to Winterfell "yeah if I step foot in the Capital he'll likely kill me I don't know how further Varys lies have spread through his head"

within a few moments they were discussing her last remaining family who now sits on the Iron Throne Dany didn't know what to do with this information or what Aegon would do if he discovered Varys treachery of what was done to her as a result she was afraid and Jon knew it he made a suggesting that made her think for a while "what if you told him of what happened to you if he knew he might. . . she cut him off before he could finish his thought she didn't want her cousin thinking of her that way "even so I do not want that thought in his head of what happened to me if he knew about it, it would kill him even worse it could destroy him" Dany said sadly Jon knew she was right they needed to come up with a plan but what neither one of them could enter the palace but who could go and convince him she wasn't a threat but family.

Tyrion walked in at that moment and looked at both of them "sorry to interrupt your graces but my Queen I have a sort of crazy idea to get to Aegon Targaryen on our side" Tyrion explained to the war council of his plan Daenerys did not like the idea of putting her hand in danger but they didn't have a choice they had to get to Aegon before it was too late and if  anyone could convince him it was Tyrion Jorah and Davos agreed to the plan if things went wrong they prayed it wasn't too late. The Queen spoke to Tyrion one last time before he left for the Capital "Tyrion please be careful" Tyrion reassured her he would return to her he departed on his adventure Tyrion made it too the capital and was presented to King Aegon he looked at him with pride and just "do you know my cousin Daenerys?" he had said Tyrion nodded Aegon was curious why he was here to murder him perhaps "your grace whatever Varys told you about your family they were all lies I need to tell you the truth".

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