Their true self

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"In Winterfell Castle"

Daenerys had been near the window she was staring outside watching the children play she smiled as she placed her hand on her belly she couldn't wait to give birth to her son or daughter to her this child was a miracle a second chance at being the mother she always wanted to be but thought she couldn't be she was going worried though there had been no word from Tyrion and Jorah since they departed and that was not a good sign.

Jon was in the mess with his sisters Arya and Sansa discussing Dany's possible names of the child and what it could be Daenerys had began to show in the last couple of days and they couldn't be happy for her and their brother "so Arya what do you think boy or Girl I think it'll be a girl" Arya was laughing with her family "Sansa the baby is not even here yet and you want to place bets I think maybe twins" they stared at her but they knew anything was possible especially with this pregnancy they were all laughing and giggling when Gilly and Sam walked in with little Sam it was silent for a while until Dany showed up.

Dany walked up to Jon "am I interrupting something?" she wondered why it grew so cold and quiet all of sudden Jon was still angry with Sam for telling Sansa about Daenerys whereabouts when she was in Winterfell when he was fighting and swore to protect her over the course of time he had forgiven Sansa since his sisters were helping her and protecting her she had proved and made up that she could be trusted but Sam was another problem and he wasn't sure he could forgive him. Sam walked up towards the Queen "your grace you look beautiful" Dany smiled she had told him being pregnant had agreed with her but she noticed the cold look Jon was giving Sam Gilly felt caught in the middle of this as always until Dany interfered.

Dany spoke to Jon and said "okay this is ridiculous you two are best friends you shouldn't fight alright so whatever it is talk it out" Jon hated when Dany talked to him like that and as angry he was she was right but he's not sure she would be as forgiven he was still angry at him and Dany was confused Braun walked up he looked at Daenerys and touched her belly and said "your child is good and pure and kind" Dany got teared up when his brother told him this she was happy but didn't understand why Jon was angry at Sam.

Braun looked at Jon and then at Sam and said "you didn't tell her about what Sam did to her?" Dany was confused and asked for clarification Braun had explained that when Jon was protecting her here in Winterfell the day she was taken to Winterfell Castle Sam had told Sansa where she was Dany was in shock at first she didn't know how to react she now understood why Jon was so angry with Sam and couldn't forgive him she stood in front of him "Sam I understand you were just trying to do the right thing but you need to understand that Euron tried to kill me had it not been for Arya I don't think me and my child would be here right now" she looked at him with pride and continued "but I know you regret your decision and for that I can forgive under the condition you don't try it again" Sam was shocked she was giving him another chance but was grateful "yes your grace I swear it I won't let you down" she knelt next to him and said the only person you can let down is yourself she then looked down and held his hands "Jon I had an old friend who betrayed me when I was married to Khal Drogo but if I didn't forgive I would not be where I am today"

Jon listen to Dany's wise words the truth is she was right he may not be able to forgive completely but he was willing to try "Sam I'll never understand why you did that to the Queen however I am willing to try to look past it, in time I will forgive you but I won't forget" everyone was relieved Gilly was happy for the Queen the Maester had come in that Tyrion and Jorah had retuned from Kings Landing unharmed Daenerys was relieved and hoped he had good news.

Jon,Arya, Sansa, Braun, Dany, Missandei, Grey Worm, and Sam had joined Tyrion and Jorah in the study to hear from Tyrion about Aegon Targaryen they all expected the news to be bad especially the Queen they were all shocked what Tyrion had told them "I managed to get through to him actually he wanted to know more about you your grace" Dany was shocked maybe Aegon wasn't a bad person after all Tyrion explained everything including Jon's parentage Jon and Dany were shocked at first but adjusted but what devastated them the most was what Aegon had told Tyrion both were in Shock Dany sat down completely upset all her life was based on a lie.

Jon held her hand and held her as she cried "all this time it was all a lie that's why Varys did what he did and he won" she felt hurt like a knife had been put in her heart and she didn't know how to make the pain stop Jon held her face and looked at her "you are still Queen of your house nothing else matters and your our Queen" she stood up abruptly "Jon that was my life if I'm not Queen then I am nothing just a southern girl" Arya walked up to her and hugged her "your our Queen as far as I am concerned and your family nothing will ever change that" Sansa touched her belly "this child is the reason you are who you are and is good don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise" Sansa held her and told Jon that he was still their brother didn't matter who he was.

Dany suddenly got up she was tired and needed to lie down "Jon I need to lie down stress isn't good for the baby" Jon agreed they both needed to rest they decided to turn in for the night said goodnight to their families and friends and left Arya and Sansa were upset they hated seeing the Queen so upset "Tyrion Aegon doesn't want to start a war does he?" Tyrion told them no Aegon had no interesting on starting wars just wanted peace like Jon and Dany Missandei and Grey Worm felt upset for their Queen as did Jorah and Sam that's when Sansa and Arya had an idea "we should do something for Dany and Jon and I know just the thing"

Dany and Jon entered their room finding out they were related didn't seem to bother Dany but she didn't know how he felt being his nephew as such she had to know because she loved him very much he finally spoke to her "well at least I'm not a bastard still hard to imagine though you okay Dany?" she didn't know all her life she's know the Iron Throne and now it was gone and she felt empty like she didn't know who she was anymore she looked at him and said "you were never a bastard not to me anyways but are you okay with us being related?" Jon always knew there was a connection with them it would explain the dreams now and he didn't care if they were related or not he loved her and their child and that's what mattered nothing else "Dany I love you and our child and I don't care if your my Aunt or not but that's how I feel about you nothing will ever change" she was crying he kissed her passionately he loved her and wanted to show her he pushed her against the wall carefully as he remembered she is pregnant Maester Wolkan's had informed that it was okay for them to have sex as it was good for the baby he kissed her neck both were panting and moaning in passion he pushed her dress up against the wall her legs wrapped around his waist he kissed her down her clit she was holding on the wall she gasped and moaned it was unbearable and she couldn't hold back anymore "Jon! oh god!" she had finally cum she sighed in relief but he was not done yet neither was she he placed her down near the wall looked at her he whispered to her "take off your dress" she did as instructed he removed his clothes as well they were both staring at each other naked he walked to her kissed her put his hand on her shoulder he turned her around and held her arms on the wall he entered her from behind she gasped in passion he pushed harder as he kissed her back Dany held on as hard as she could but he was stronger he pushed inside her harder he was fucking her hard they were both near the climax she screamed "oh god Jon!" both relaxed it was over he pulled out of her and pushed her on the bed he opened her legs he kissed her again near her clit she held down on the sheets in a quick move he entered her hard he held her arms down as he fucked her hard she didn't want to stop but he made her wait "Oh god Jon Fuck me!" Jon entered her fast and fucked her she was moaning and screaming in passion as was he "oh god Dany" he was pushing faster she couldn't take it anymore she had to cum "oh god Jon!" they both had reached their climax they collapsed underneath the furs both out of breathe Dany had no idea Jon could do that he made her forget about everything again had given her two orgasms and sex for a moment she collapsed in his arms she noticed the scars on his chest he told her how he was betrayed during the watch she felt for this man he was different he made her feel things unimaginable Jon held her and touched her belly "were going to be okay you me and the baby" they collapsed and went to bed.

Lady Sansa had met with Lord Glover, Manderly, and Lady Mormont she wanted to do something for Dany and Jon together Lyanna had herd what happened to the Queen it made her  sick what was done to her as did it to Lord Glover and Manderly "I understand your concern Lady Sansa but what can we do for them" Lyanna spoke confidently "she is carrying his child as far as anyone's concern they are the Queen and King we choose until our last days!" "Lady Mormont is right let's do it" Arya and Sansa couldn't wait to see the look on The Queens face.

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