Chapter 4

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It's 5 am and Im in an angsty mood so, lets get this angst
Todoroki's Pov
Quirks had always been a touchy subject for me, that's just a general fact, but they're a pretty tough subject for Katsuki too. He might be cocky and filled with pride about it sometimes, but he also gets self conscious. Like now for instance.

We're sitting in his room, just relaxing and cuddling together while looking at posts on our phones. When all of a sudden I hear sniffles and heavy breathes from my boyfriend. I look at him and see tears running down his face. I instantly become worried and sit up.

"Katsu hey, what's wrong?" I asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. He pushed me away and turned his back to me. I already know he's crying, he always pushes me away when tears are in the situation. I look at his phone and on it is a post by Midorya, talking about his progress in becoming a hero and his journey through the whole process. This isnt a surprise really, Katsuki tends to get upset nowadays when he sees Midorya has surpassed him.

"Im going to train...dont follow me." He said, getting up and wiping his tears. He then quickly changed into workout clothes and went out the door. I frowned, knowing he was most likely gonna overwork himself. Of course though there's nothing I can do about except let him go and take care of him after. That's exactly what I plan to do too. I get up, get dressed, and go to the store. Once I get there I wander around, wondering what to get. While Im there I happen to run into Katsuki's mom who was shopping with her husband.

"Oh Shoto! It's so nice to see you again, it's been forever!" I smiled and hug her, nodding.

"Yes, it has." She smiles and puts her hands on her hips.

"Now, how is my little Katsuki doing? You're taking good care of him I assure, he isnt getting into any trouble is he?" I scratch the back of my neck, laughing a little.

"He's doing well. Unfortunately though he's a little upset right now. He got jealous because of a post Midorya made and now he's overworking himself in training..I came here to try and find something I could make him to cheer him up but, I have no ideas.." I said, looking down a bit. She held her chin between her index finger and thumb, then pointed her finger up as if to signal she had an idea.

"Here," she took out a small piece of paper and a pen, then quickly wrote down somthing. "Im giving you the recipe to Katsuki's favorite meal, spicy curry. Ill give you some general directions as well. If you have any questions dont be afraid to call me alright?" She handed me the paper once she was done and kissed my head. "I knew you were a good one. Take care alright?" I nodded and smiled as she walked away with her husband. I looked down the list and picked up everything I needed, including a few extra things, then checked out. Once I got home I started cooking. As the food cooked I also prepared a bath for Katsuki, using a bit of bubble bath and scents like cinnamon and salted caramel. A few candles were lit too, set around the tub. The scene I have it set up perfectly, now all I need to wait for is Katsuki to get home. I look at my phone to see he texted me a while ago, saying he'd be home soon. Just then, in the most perfect timing possible, Katsuki unlocks and opens the door.

"Hey babe I-what's that smell?" He said with a sniff inbetween his pause. I come out of the bathroom and flash him a small smile.

"Welcome back, how was your workout?" I ask, walking over to the stove.

"It was good, I strained my arms and stuff..what's this?" He came up behind me and pointed at the food, but I nudged him away.

"It's a surprise, now go clean up. I have another little surprise for you in the bathroom. Take as long as you need to heal up okay? I can keep the food warm." He sighed, clearly still a little annoyed, but walked into the bathroom nonetheless. I finish up the food, putting a lid over it till it stays warm and then set the table. Almost an hour later Katsuki comes out of the bathroom, dressed and clean. I smile at him and walk closer.

"Jeez Shoto, you really went all out huh? Am I forgetting something? Did I miss our anniversary..? Please dont tell me I did oh god.." I chuckled a bit and shake my head.

"No, you didn't forget anything. I just saw how upset you got earlier so..I wanted to do something special for you. To show you how special you are to me." I said, my hands holding his. He looked down and laughed a bit, then looked back up at me.

"You're really something Shoto, you know that? Thank you" he said, puncuating his sentence with a kiss. I smiled and kissed him back, then pulled away.

"It's no problem, now sit down. Ive prepared your favorite meal" he smiled and sat down, looking more relaxed. I go into the kitchen to get the food when he yells for me.

"Hey Shoto?"


"I love you" I stop and smile to myself, trying not to cry.

"I love you too Katsuki"
Real quick I want to thank you guys so much for all the nice comments on the last chapter, they really made me smile and meant alot to me! Im also happy to report after all the madness happening with my ex, Im going on a date soon! It's been a while but hopefully things turn out good 🤞

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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