Chapter 17

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TW: Slurs


Honoka’s POV:

After two weeks I finally went back to school. I was able to walk without my cane. But, dancing was still a big no.

"So, you ready to go back?" Kotori-chan asked me.

I shrugged, "I guess…"

"Nervous?" Kotori-chan guessed.

I nodded, "A little. There's a lot of students and I'm not the fastest still. I'm afraid I'm gonna get run over."

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen." Kotori-chan promised.

We arrived at school early and went to the clubroom. Everyone was there and was overjoyed to see me back in school. Everyone have me a hug and some encouragement to get through the day.

We spent the time we had left to just talk about what we were going to do now that I was back. Practice would start today. I'd be watching them from the sidelines.

When the warning bell rang, we started filing out of the room. Kotori-chan and Umi-chan stayed on either side of me as we walked down the halls. There were a lot of kids in the school. Lots of them were watching me with a look if disgust in their eyes.

"Faggot." I heard someone mutter.


"Why's that kid back? No one wants them here."

I kept my eyes down and numbly walked along the hallway. The whispers kept coming, but I blocked them out. I couldn't take it.

"It'll be alright." Umi-chan whispered as she grabbed my hand.

We entered the classroom and took our seats. I tried to shrink in my chair. I don't want anyone to talk about me.

The entire day was horrible. Everyone was so mean. They all said such horrid things to me.

Thankfully school ended. We were all going to be on the roof. I had taken a bit longer to dress so I told them to go on without me.

I walked down the school's halls. They were empty now. It was a lot better than this morning.

"Hey!" I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around and saw a girl staring me down. She had a very prominent scowl on her face. I backed away, scared that she would try something.

"Where do you think you're going?" I heard another voice behind me.

I whipped around to see another girl. She had the same scowl on her face as the first one. I gulped.

"W-what do you want?" I stammered out as they started walking toward me.

"We're going to teach you a lesson. Boys don't belong here." One of them said.

Before I could try to do anything, they launched themselves at me and pinned me to the wall. I yelped in pain as my back hit it hard.

"Keep him there. I'll start." The first girl said.

She started punching me as her accomplice held me in place. I cried out in pain as the blows landed all over my body.

I shouldn't have gone alone. I should've accepted Kotori-chan's offer to walk up together.

"Let's see what we have under these clothes, shall we?" The first girl teased and she yanked my shirt off.

"A somewhat flat chest. How do you have boobs?" She glared at me.

"I-I've been taking estrogen…" I whimpered.

"Oh… trying to change your body are we? That's no good. You can't mutilate it like that." She growled, slapping me across the face.

I yelped. She smirked and did it a few more times. After being satisfied, she yanked my pants down. I struggled against the grip of the other girl, but I couldn't get out.

"Let's see what we have down here." The first girl hummed as she pulled down my underwear.

I was crying and desperately struggling to get away. It was to no avail. She wasn't planning on letting me go any time soon.

"See, we have a dick. That means you're a boy. Don't try and deny that." The girl stomped on my feet as hard as she could.

I cried out in agony. She smirked and continued. Her accomplice let me go. I sank to the ground and tried to cover myself. I was shaking in terror as she and her friend started kicking me.

"Tranny." They taunted.

I sobbed in pain and terror as they continued to call me names and tell me to die. I couldn't do anything but sit there. I was too afraid to move.

"Maybe you should show the school your body. They'll know exactly what you are then! Let's take a picture and show everyone."

I panicked and cowered farther into the wall. They were going to take a picture of me. They'd send it to the entire school…

"Don't you dare!" I heard someone yell.

"Aw… pipsqueak thinks she can fight us." The girls teased.

"You've made me really angry. And just like small dogs, I can be vicious despite my size." I recognized that the voice was Nico-chan's.

"Let's see you do that then."

I stayed in my ball, shaking and sobbing. I listened as they fought each other. It went silent after a few minutes.

"Honoka?" I felt a hand rest on my shoulder.

I slowly looked up to meet Nico-chan's gaze. She pulled me into a hug. I broke down and started crying again. She held me tightly and soothed me.

After a few minutes, I calmed down. I moved away from her.  Nico-chan gave me a sorrowful look. I returned it.

She grabbed my clothes and started helping me put them on again. I was still shaking from the attack. Nico-chan stood up and helped me to my feet once I was dressed again.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you really badly?" Nico-chan asked.

I whimpered in reply. Nico-chan frowned as she took me by my hands and led me to the roof. I resisted after I realized where we were going. I didn't want to go up there.

"Honoka, please. They need to know." Nico-chan pleaded.

"No… please… no…" I cried. I don't want them all to know.

"Honoka, I understand you're afraid, but I promise this is for the best." Nico-chan kept begging.

"I'm not talking." I declared quietly.

"I'll tell them. But, they'll ask stuff I can't answer." Nico-chan replied.

"Tell them I'm not talking." I replied harshly.

"Alright. I'll try." Nico-chan promised.

We opened the door and went out to the roof. Everyone paused what they were doing and looked at us.

"Are you okay? You look like you've been crying?" Umi-chan came over to us, Kotori-chan right behind her.

I sat against the wall and stayed silent. I don't want to talk right now.

"Let her be. She needs some time." Nico-chan called as Umi-chan sat beside me.

"What happened?" Kotori-chan asked as she sat on the other side of me.

I pointed to Nico-chan and then buried my face into Kotori-chan's hair. I wasn't talking.

"She doesn't want to talk. She asked me to tell you guys." Nico-chan explained.

"Well, I guess you can start then."

I felt someone running a hand through my hair. I relaxed a little. I was safe here. No one would get me with them here.

Nico-chan started talking from her perspective. I tuned her out and tried to just focus on something else.

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