If I Were Superman

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If I were Superman

This world wouldn't be the same

It still wouldn't be that different

Cause one man can't fix everything

If I were superman, I'd do everything i could

I'd fight pain and suffering, battling for the good

But eventually it'd overwhelm me

I'd fall victim to the world

As being a hero can be a double edged sword

Maybe hero is a strong word for me

Or at least what I think I'd be

But hell, being a hero has its price

If you stand for something, be sure to fall for another

As we all have a kryptonite, a weakness somehow or the other

All of us can be Superman, and yet none of us all the same

As we all have flaws, and demons we can't tame

So we all try to be the best of what we are

And with that effort we have no shame

As unlike Superman, we are all human, all one in the same

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