Part 3

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One hour before the crowning I got ready in just a white crop top and black jeans and put my serpent jacket in a backpack so that my parents wouldn't see it. I sneaked down stairs as quietly as I could but my mother still heard me. She was obviously drunk.
"Where do you think you are going young lady?"She said, sluring her words. I just sighed and said.
"I am just going to Veronicas for a sleep over, Ok?"
"Fine. Do whatever the hell you want!" Alice shouted back. I picked up my car keys and ran out the door to my car, roling my eyes. I drove to the Wyrm listening to music and singing loudly. Before I went in, i got out my car and put on my serpent jacket. When I went inside I looked for my friends Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea. I found them by the bar, Toni was working so she was serving drinks. I said hi and asked for the strongest drink Toni could make. As i was curious, I asked if anyone knew who the new king was or what he looked like but they all said no. 10 minutes later, someone I had never seen before came to the bar and asked for a drink. No one new who he was so, as Toni handed the mysterious boy his drink she said
"So, are you new here, we've never seen you around." He looked up from his drink and replied.
"Yeah, I'm new... What is your name?"
"Toni, and this is Sweet Pea, Fangs and Betty. What is your name?" She asked
"I'm Jughead, Jughead Jones nice to meet you!" He replied. We all gasped.
"Your supposed to be the next serpent king, right?" I asked
"Yeah.... why are you all so shocked?" He asked laughing awkwardly.
"You just look like a northsider, you could never lead a gang!" Fangs said almost laughing.
"Give him a break Fangs. He can be very judgie sometimes." I said and wispered the last part so that only Jughead could hear"Give him a chance!"
"Thank you, and for your information I am NOT a Northsider!"
"Oh so you do have some fire in you!" Said Sweet Pea
"Thanks I guess?" Jughead questioned we talked for about ten more minutes before we were interrupted by Jugheads dad.
"Jughead Jones to the stage I repeat Jughead Jones to the stage!" Shouted FP
"Well that's my que to leave, it was nice to meet you all, I hope to see you again. Bye!" Jughead said sadly.
"Bye, good luck!" I shouted after him. After talking to him I had the biggest smile on my face. He was easy to talk to and he was cute!

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